With restrictions easing in schools, we are very pleased to be able to start our lunch clubs again this week! It’s great to see the students and catch up after Christmas. We love that we can provide a fun, safe place for them to hang out in secondary schools. BOLT clubs are starting this week and next at Vauvert, La Mare, Beechwood, St Martins, Forest, Notre Dame and Castel. We have spent some time revising the plans and decided to start a fun sticker collection for each pupil. Each week they will receive a sticker relating to the theme and by the end of the term they will be able to keep them to remind them of what they have learnt at BOLT! It’s been a fun, creative project! Here’s an example of some of the stickers.

Last week Lisa and Phil led PACE’s first in school virtual assembly. In a quiet hall with a camera in front of them they were beamed to all the students in their classrooms. It was quite a surreal experience as it was very strange not having students to interact with but it was great to be able to share with the whole school. The assembly theme was ‘when bad things happen to good people’. We explored the story of Joseph and how he had a lot of bad things happen to him but every time something bad happened he had a choice of how to respond and instead of choosing to be bitter he chose to become better. We concluded that we aren’t promised an easy life, there is a time for all things (Ecclesiastes 3) but as Christians we believe that God promises to be with us through all those times, he was there for Joseph and he can be with us now. Know that whatever you are going through you don’t have to go through it alone.
This term has also seen the return of ASDAN at Le Murier School. Phil and Lisa are really enjoying working with a group of Year 9 students to help them complete a module of their ASDAN qualification. They work with the students to help them prepare an assembly which they will deliver to Year 7 and 8. This time we have chosen the story of Jonah and the theme of “having a fresh start.” We explore how God gave Jonah a second chance and how in life we all need a fresh start sometimes. The students are engaging really well and are enjoying working out how to best tell the story and how to explain what we can learn from it. You can see in the picture below one of the props we are using to tell the story!