PACE Update

This week Lisa and Howard (Minister at Eldad Elim Church) have been in La Mare High School delivering lessons on Christian views on prejudice and discrimination. The lesson focuses on the example of Jesus and the children look at the story of ‘The Man Born Blind’ (John 9:1-12) and ‘The Woman at the Well’ (John 4). They act out these stories in groups and think about ‘what was the prejudice/discrimination happening?’ and ‘What did Jesus do?’. They all agree that Jesus’ example is one of kindness and equality for all people regardless of who they are or where they come from. The students have engaged really well in these sessions and have enjoyed acting out the stories. We finish the lesson by thinking about how Christians are persecuted for their faith around the world to day and play this video from Open Doors The students are often shocked to discover that this is happening in our world today. 

Sarah and our amazing volunteers have also been delivering some lessons to Years 1 and 2 on Creation. This is a lovely lesson where we use Godly Play to tell the story of Creation and have discussions about the days. The children then get to create something of their own with Playdoh and we talk about how they feel about it.

Our Harvest primary assembly is going well, with Sarah, Lisa and Tom (Saddington) delivering it to many schools over the last few weeks too. Below are some photos from Acorn House. In the assembly we spell out the word “Harvest” and then tell the story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz and rearrange the letters to spell out words such as “starve”, “eat”, “have” and “share”. All to do with Harvest and encouraging the children to think about what they can do to be a kind community and share with other people.

At first, the word is spelt wrong so we have to get into the right order!
Ruth and Naomi had to find food to EAT!

Please keep praying for our work, for the children and young people we come into contact with and the teachers and school staff we speak to.