Sarah has just come back from her block week with SWYM. Her second of the year, Sarah stayed at Lee Abbey in Devon, with it’s beautiful surroundings. The theme of this conference was “The Jesus Way” where together they looked at 1 Peter 3:8-9. A challenging read but through hearing different speakers and studying it together, it was very thought provoking. In her lectures Sarah and the rest of the first year degree students looked into the Old Testament timeline (where OT Mini came in very handy!), Psalms 1 and 2 and 1 Corinthians. It was a very interesting week learning about how important it is to study the social and historical contexts of when these passages were written in order to fully understand them.
Back in Guernsey, Lisa and Jo continued with another busy week! Recently the team have developed a lesson for Year 2 called, “Jesus Teaches Kindness.” In the lesson the team show a Lego retelling of the story of The Good Samaritan and discuss the question asked of Jesus: “Who is my neighbour?” In small groups the children look at what it means to be kind and identifies who was kind in the story while learning to retell the story themselves. They also then choose an act of kindness and write it on their paper “helping hand” to take home. The lesson is slowly being delivered to a number of schools and fits in well with the curriculum of our primary schools.
Finally we wanted to update you with some exciting news about PACE’s church visits. Recently we filmed a video with James Le Tissier who from that created a brilliant video that we can play during our church visits. The video is a quick overview and insight into our work – thank you James! Watch this space for more to come!