Last week, we set up a beautiful space at Blanchelande College for an Advent themed Prayer Space for the senior school students.
As Christmas carols play quietly in the background, the students enter a room filled with twinkling lights and seven prayer stations.
Here are some of the stations that we included:
There is a treasure box filled with little stars. As students think about the guiding star that guided the wise men to Jesus, they can keep a star to remember how God guides us in life and is always with us.

Gift tags are used for the student to think of their gift or talent, write it on a gift tag then stick them to present boxes to show how our gifts can help others. One student wrote that they were caring, thoughtful and kind and recognised how aspects of our personality are in fact gifts that can be used to bless others.
Christmas baubles are decorated and written on to describe things they are grateful for then hung onto the Christmas tree. One student wrote that they had found a new love for singing.
Thinking of Advent being a time of waiting, the student write on a paper clock what they are waiting for and then lay it in a manger as a sign that all these things are brought to God and we trust His timing. One example a student wrote was “For Jesus to come again”.

Prayers were pinned to a map to pray for the world. One student wrote “I pray for those battling depression and that they know they’re not alone”.
The students loved the sessions and particular favourite stations were the stars and the baubles.
The leader of the sessions began with a snip and tell, where the students were asked to tell the Christmas story while the leader cuts away at paper which then reveals a nativity picture – they loved it!
We had a Emotional Learning Support Assistant visit and she was blown away by what she saw and absolutely loved it, she came to pick up ideas for things to do with her students and was so encouraged with the PACE Prayer Spaces and felt it would be of great benefit to the students.

Please continue to pray for the work. This week we’re having our lunch club Christmas parties, continuing Christmas in a Box lessons and catching up on lots of admin before the holidays! We ask for prayer for health for the team and energy to finish the term well.