NT Mini (New Testament Mini)
NT Mini has begun, starting at Blanchelande College, with their Year 6’s!
Presenters for these sessions are – Lisa, Sarah, Sarah-Jane, Eleanor, Jo, Tom and Frances.
We have had a great start and the students and teachers are very much enjoying the sessions and eager to learn more.
As with OT Mini, we are using props, audience participation, PowerPoint slides and videos to bring the New Testament stories to life.
At the start of our five week course we are so very grateful for the support and prayers that are going on behind the scenes. We really do feel supported and uplifted in prayer so thank you very much.
The teacher has said “This is brilliant” and was keen to put up her hand and answer a question herself when the students were putting up their hands to answer.
The students had brilliant Bible knowledge and were really enthusiastic and ready to listen and learn. They had even remembered a lot from the OT Mini course they had done a year ago and were excited to learn new hand signs.
Please continue to pray for the presenters as they teach about Jesus in schools and the children and teachers receiving this course.
Primary Assemblies

This term in assemblies we have been starting off with a ‘find the odd one out’ quiz followed by a Bible story.
There were 5 slides, all of which had 4 characters, and the children had to spot the odd one out and say why they thought it was the odd one out. I wonder which one you would class as the odd one out ?– they were as follows;
- Ariel, Ursula, Rapunzel, Snow White
- Police, Paramedic, Bank robber, Firefighter
- Darth Vadar, Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia
- Spiderman, Captain America, Thanos, Thor
- Moana, Pua the pig, Maui, Lava Monster
The children chose the odd one out as being the ‘baddy’ – the one no one liked. The one no one thought could change.
We looked at the story of Zacchaeus. One point that I hadn’t thought of before, was that Zacchaeus not only would have climbed a tree to see clearly over the crowds, but as a hated tax collector who took more than he was owed, he would have been spat at and shoved by the crowd and anyone who spotted him or recognised him. He would have wanted to see Jesus by making himself as inconspicuous as possible and finding a way to also get a good view.
How shocked he must have been that Jesus stopped by the tree, knew he was there, knew his name, had kindness in his eyes instead of judgement or scorn. Kindness was a look that Zacchaeus would not have been used to. I’m surprised that in that moment Zacchaeus didn’t fall out of the tree in shock!!
Jesus gave Zacchaeus a chance when no one else would. Jesus was kind to Zacchaeus when no one else was.
Sometimes we can all do things that make us the odd one out, we too can change our ways and make good decisions for the future. It is never too late to start making right choices.
Jesus helped Zacchaeus to change his ways. Zacchaeus went from being someone who took too much money from people to someone who gave generously to those in need.
The children were encouraged to follow their school values, be kind and make good choices.
The students and teachers have really enjoyed this assembly and the teachers have particularly appreciated the message of making good choices as this backs up what they teach as a school.
Please pray particularly this week for:
- Quiet Spaces at Melrose – that it will run smoothly and the children will enjoy being reflective and thinking about prayer.
- OT and NT Mini lessons happening at St Mary and St Michael and Blanchelande College – that the lessons go well and are received well by all.
- Lunch clubs in our secondary schools, for good conversations and that the students enjoy their time.
- Upcoming meeting with children’s and youth leaders across Guernsey on Saturday – that it would be encouraging to all who attend.
- Thanks to God for all the opportunities we have in schools this week!