This week our primary assemblies are continuing at La Houguette, St Martins, Amherst, Vale and Vauvert schools. BOLT clubs are going really well with great numbers. This week we are looking at “God Made Me Special”.
In our senior lunch clubs we are exploring the question, ‘What Is Prayer?’ and explain how prayer is how Christians develop their relationship with God. Just like we have to chat and listen to our friends to maintain a good friendship, it’s important to develop our relationship with God by communicating with him.
At Elizabeth College we are leading an assembly based on the question, ‘Why Is Everyone Still Talking About Jesus?’ We explore who Jesus is and the impact that he made on the world and why that means people are still curious about Him today. We show the studentS this video from Alpha USA as part of our assembly:
We also have the opportunity to lead a session at Le Murier on Harvest. We will be talking about the importance of Harvest and why it is important to be thankful for what we have.
Over the next few weeks we will be leading a number of lessons with year 8 students at Ladies College on the Christian views on Creation. We will be exploring what the Bible has to say about Creation in Genesis 1 and asking the question, “Can Science And The Bible Ever Be Compatible? Please pray for us as we prepare for these sessions.