This week our BOLT clubs are coming to an end. We have our last week where we round up all that we’ve learnt and then have some fun with plenty of games!
We are also visiting Year 1 at Vale delivering three lessons on Creation. This lesson uses Godly Play to help the children discover the story of Creation.
Phil will be finishing the OT Mini course at Notre Dame too, they’ve been a fantastic group!
Our annual Tower Building Competition has commenced in senior lunch clubs. The students are given a newspaper and some sellotape and they have to build the highest free standing tower possible! The tower has to hold a Cadbury’s Cream Egg and the height is measured to wherever the egg sits! So far, we have had one successful tower reaching the height of 46cm – we will see if students in other clubs can beat this!
We will be visiting La Mare High this week to deliver a newly developed lesson titled ‘What is Christian Marriage?’ We will be exploring what students think about marriage and what is included in a marriage service held in a church, particularly looking at the vows and commitments the couple make to one another. The first of these sessions was a huge success. Phil decided to act out the service with the Year 11 students and great fun was had by all… we did tell the students that whilst Phil is a licensed minister that the wedding was not legal!!! See the pictures below of the “happy couple”.
The team will also deliver the ‘Making Good Choices’ assembly at Blanchelande.
Don’t forget there is still time to sign up for our ‘Old Testament in a Nutshell’ training day on Saturday 6th April! See picture below for more details!