After a refreshing half term it is great to be back in schools. In senior lunch clubs we are looking at Social Media. We ask the students what Social Media platforms they use and the impact it can have on them personally and on other people. Social Media is a great tool for connecting people but sometimes we need to stop and think about how and why we are using it. We encourage the students to reflect on what they post online and challenge them to think about if the words they are using are positive and encouraging.
Phil and Lisa will visit Ladies College to deliver an assembly on the theme ‘admitting when we are wrong’. This can be challenge for all of us but particularly for Lisa who is running late to the assembly and invents a very interesting story, including road closures, ducks and snow!! Only to be outed by Phil for the real reason she is running late… she overslept!! Christians believe that God wants the best for all people and through his love for humanity he offers the opportunity of a fresh start. The story of David is an example of someone who got it wrong and who turned to God for forgiveness. We challenge the students to think about the character it shows when someone admits they are wrong, a person who is: trustworthy, humble, sincere and honest.
We will also visit St Sampsons to deliver a lesson on the Christian views on Poverty to Year 10 students. This has been a powerful lesson in the past as we discuss why people live in poverty, what the Bible says about how we should help those in need and how christians are actively making a difference around the world today.
In primary schools we’ll be visiting Melrose twice this week for assemblies. Phil will be giving out the OT Mini certificates from their course earlier in the year. We will also be bringing the puppet assembly to the school. As we’re nearly finished delivering this set of assemblies, we’ve started to plan for our next one, please pray for us in our preparations!
Phil continues OT Mini at Blanchelande and St Mary and St Michaels. Both courses are going really well with lots of enthusiasm!