After the half term break, we were straight back to it with a Prayer Spaces running at Beechwood. We set up on Monday morning in their Library and spent Tuesday and Wednesday with the students from Year 3 – Year 6 exploring prayer and reflection. The stations we had were:

Thankful Table – reflecting on Creation and being thankful for the wonderful world we live in.

Fizzy Forgiveness – letting go of the hurt and anger we might feel when someone hurts us.
Worry Lillies – Thinking about who we can talk to about our worries and how by talking it can help us to feel lighter.
Bubble Tube – always a popular one, a space to sit and be quiet, talk to God or just watch the bubble tube.
Helping Hands – a popular phrase at the moment is the simple “Be Kind”. On this station we thought about how it felt to have someone be kind to us and so what could we do to be kind to others?

The children were all enthusiastic, responsive and lovely to spend time with. We’ve had some positive feedback including these from Year 3!


Thank you to our lovely volunteers who gave their time to come and help make this event possible. Also to our cutters who helped prepare what we needed!

This week we have also started our Year 6 Transition Lessons. We will be visiting every Year 6 class to deliver our Changes, Challenges, Choices lesson and church donated “It’s Your Move” booklets. So far we have visited Blanchelande and Melrose Year 6 groups.

Finally we have now completed our OT Mini courses at Blanchelande, St Mary and St Michael’s, Amherst and Castel. Phil also completed his courses of NT Mini at Melrose and La Houguette! We look forward to doing more of these next year.