Christmas in a Box has officially begun!! We led our first session with a home schooling group and learnt a lot along the way. It was great fun and the children loved it. We used the time to see what worked best and what needed some work and it really helped us. We followed this with a second training evening on Monday. This was a more hands on session where our wonderful volunteers got to use the script and have a go at leading a box. We are now busy booking in our lessons and are very excited to use this in schools! Please do get in touch if you are interested in Christmas in a Box.

We are now also back into primary schools for our Christmas puppet assembly! In this one our puppet Fanta the elephant is about to try out for the part of Mary in her school nativity. She feels like she won’t get the part because she looks different from other children so she decides to try some new hairstyles! After realising these don’t help, she uses some change mixture that a Mad Scientist made her and ends up turning into a donkey, a mince pie and then another puppet. Using the shepherds and learning how they didn’t need to change themselves to be involved in God’s story, Fanta learns that she just needs to be herself! Does she get the part of Mary?
We’ve already presented this at La Rondin, Vauvert and La Houguette all who loved it! There’s plenty of laughter from the children but an important message for them.

OT Mini courses are going well at Melrose and La Mare and Phil has started two new back to back courses at Vale.
Finally this week we took La Mare’s Year 11 students to Trinity Church for our “Faith in Community” lesson. They got to tour the new offices of Guernsey Welfare and Caring for Ex-Offenders. Mary and Sue, who are involved in these charities, shared with the students about what they do to serve the local community. An eye opening time for many who may not have known what else is done on the island by churches.
Please continue to pray for the island’s schools, their students and teachers as we see a rise of cases during this winter season. We are hearing from schools of cases and so ask for prayers of protection over our team as we continue our work.