We hope you had a lovely Easter! We are back and ready for another busy term. We have already started an OT Mini course at Vauvert and some of our secondary lunch clubs have started back.

We also wanted to make you aware of the following message from Mark, our chairman.
On 26th June we will be holding our 2023 AGM at Trinity Church.
In recent years at previous AGM meetings I have presented an open invitation for anyone wanting to offer their management/administration/financial skills to PACE to get in touch with me. Sadly this has never resulted in any interest.
The implementation last year of a new Charities Ordinance has brought into greater focus our governance and the need to expand our committee.
To that end and to give people time to consider their interest in advance of the AGM, I would like to bring to your attention two specific voluntary roles we would like to fill:
– Deputy chairman
To assist the chairman in the overall supervision and direction of the staff committee, acting in his place when he is absent.
– Finance assistant
To assist the Finance officer in the management of the finances, budgets, cash flows, and making of payments.
For more details please contact Sarah Snell by email at sarah.snell@paceguernsey.com who will forward a detailed job specification.
If you are not wanting or unable to offer yourself in this way, we would greatly appreciate your prayers that we fill these roles.
Further to this, we are also looking to recruit a new Schools Worker to join the PACE team. Please find attached a job description and a poster with more information. If you know of anybody who you feel would be suitable for the position, please share this information with them.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!