In September we get stuck in with our Creation Lessons with Year 1 and Year 2. These lessons are spent discovering what Christians believe about how the world began. We explore the Creation story using Godly Play and going through the 7 days of creation. We then have a discussion with the children about which day they think is their favourite and is there a day that could be left out? This helps us realise that each day is very special and we couldn’t do without them – even the rest day! When they realise if we didn’t have that we wouldn’t have weekends and holidays they soon see the importance of it!
The children also get to create something themselves with PlayDoh and talk about how they might think God feels about his Creation. The big question we look at throughout the lesson is, “Should Christians look after the world?” To end the lesson we use a treasure box with a mirror inside to reveal that God’s most special, precious creation is each one of them, that God created them and loves them!
We’ve also started our Harvest assemblies, with Lisa delivering them alongside Tom Saddington and Howard Davenport. This time we look at the story in Exodus where the Israelites are travelling in the desert and they start grumbling about the lack of food. But God provides them with Manna and Quail. During the assembly, one presenter acts a bit silly and distracts the other by cutting and folding paper to make a quail and a basket for the story – a bit of added fun! We then end with encouraging the children to remember to be grateful for all that we do have and all that we can share with others.

Finally today is National Day of Prayer for Schools. On their Facebook page, Prayer Spaces in Schools have been posting prayer prompts throughout the day. They started the day posting this prayer:
Loving Father, we pray today for our schools and colleges, for all who work and learn in them.
We pray that they will be places of learning inspired by creativity, knowledge and wisdom.
We pray for our children and young people, that they will flourish in body, mind and spirit.
We pray for all who work in schools, the teachers, support staff and site team, that they will be resourced well, be able to give of their best and know that they are appreciated.
We pray for all who serve and support schools, especially those from local churches, that they will contribute with grace and so reveal Jesus through their deeds and words.
We pray, your kingdom come, in our schools, as in heaven.
Please join us and thousands of others praying for all those involved in schools and schoolswork!