We’re slowly getting back into a routine, with our senior lunch clubs back up and running. It’s been great to catch up with the students following their summer holidays. This term we are also leading three BOLT clubs at Blanchelande, La Houguette and Vauvert schools. These have started this week with the session “God is awesome”. At Vauvert we had 24 children attend Week 1!
We thought we would take some time to do some training in preparing and giving talks. Sarah and Lisa along with Nicole Le Goupillot are following the Loud and Clear 4 week course, produced by Ali Martin from Soul Survivor Church. This course teaches about the importance of preparation, structure, illustrations and other key aspects of communicating the Bible. We have really valued the sessions so far and being able to talk about what works for us and develop our skills. If you’re interested in doing the course yourself, it is free and you can find the videos and resources here:https://www.soulsurvivor.com/loudandclear
Next week we have a lesson at Hautes Capelles with Year 3 on The Bible. We have been busy planning this session alongside our volunteers. We will be using a variety of activities to engage the students including songs, worksheets and storytelling to introduce them to the Bible narrative. Please pray for us as we prepare and lead this session.
Just to update you, Phil is making good progress in his recovery following his operation. Thank you for all your prayers.