PACE Update – Harvest

This half term we have done 18 primary school Harvest assemblies.

We start with a welcome/introduction and a game.

In this game we have two teams of three children. They have to relay race to the bag opposite them, taking out one item at a time. They then dress one of the children as a farmer. The items are a hat, scarf, coat, gloves and wellies. We have deliberately mixed up the wellies and gloves so they don’t have matching pairs, on realising this they then decide whether they would like to share with the other team so they have matching pairs.

The game is great fun and the farmers look great dressed up by their farmer helpers.

We then talk about what harvest time is and the importance of sharing and giving to others. 

We lead into the Bible story about Elijah and the woman he met who didn’t have enough flour or oil, and how she did as he asked and made bread, and then there was always enough flour in the bowl and oil in the jar.

On concluding about the importance of sharing, we talk about how there are different ways of sharing. We can share a smile with someone. We can share our time. We reflect that at harvest time we are thankful for the food we have.

Our closing prayer sums up everything.

“Dear God, thank you for the food we have to eat. Thank you that we can smile and be kind. Please help us to share what we have with those around us. Amen.

School’s Out For Summer!

It is the last day of term! We’ve had a challenging year but also seen some amazing new changes – Jo joined the team, we have a new board of trustees and we had a great Vision Night!

Our Vision Night and AGM, was held at the beginning of July at Vale Mission chuch. We talked about changes to PACE leadership with Mark Le Tissier stepping down as Chairman, Jon Honour stepping in as interim Chairman and Paul Mudge as Managing Trustee. 

There was a tribute given to Mark who was present, to thank him for his 33 years of service to PACE and talk about his new OT Mini Presenter role. Mark also shared some words about his years with PACE.

Lisa talked about the past and the importance of the three C’s = 

“Connecting schools and churches, Communicating Christian beliefs and values and Creating space to explore faith.”

There was a report on what PACE has done this year, reflections on the year and challenges faced.

Sarah gave a moving tribute to honour a wonderful, talented PACE volunteer Nigel Lewis who sadly passed away recently. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. 

Lisa and Sarah talked about the present, update on the work and the team, with an interview with Jo on what it has been like joining PACE. 

Sarah and Eleanor shared about SWYM (South West Youth Ministries). 

Talking about the future, Jo spoke about NT Live that is open to all to sign up for, being held on Saturday 7th September at Spurgeon Baptist Church (sign up here: and the NT Mini training. 

Sarah spoke about Life Exhibition which is an opportunity for local churches to host a wonderful interactive exhibition about God and creation for school students to visit. 

Lisa shared about Andy Bannister who is an Apologist who will be visiting Guernsey in October and already has bookings to speak at various schools. 

We also spoke about church visits and the importance of getting in front of church congregations to share about the work of PACE and how people can support the ministry. Nicole Le Goupillot shared a moving message about making the most of the opportunities that we currently have in schools. 

Treasurer Dan Miller shared about the finances and also shared that he will be stepping down as treasurer for PACE and how much he has enjoyed supporting PACE in this role. PACE are actively looking for a new treasurer to take on this role. 

As it is the end of term, our termly newsletter is now available! Please read it below.

We hope you have a lovely summer and we will be back in September!

PACE Update

This term Lisa and Jo, along with Phil Baldock have led several Christian Worldview lessons at St Sampson High school. This lesson looks at what a Christian believes.
It starts by talking about creation. The students have the opportunity to test their knowledge on what was created on what day with picture cards to assemble in the correct order.

We talk about free will verses robots and looking at how humans make their own choices, and how as a result of free will, we see much chaos around us. We explain that this doesn’t mean that God doesn’t care but is a reminder that we all have free will and it is up to people how they choose to use their free will, and how this impacts others. 

Looking through the Apostles Creed and what Christians believe about salvation, fully puts across the Christian worldview and ties in well with their current Religious Studies topics at school.

The RS teacher was delighted at the content and said it would go well with what they were studying this term.

In primary schools we have been busy delivering Leavers Lessons to all Year 6 classes across all the primary schools, alongside local church leaders.

This lesson helps to prepare Year 6 students for their transition into Secondary school.

We look at the changes, challenges and choices that the students will experience. They have the opportunity to work in groups, think through and discuss their thoughts and worries connected to this move.

This is an interactive lesson with a movie clip, wordsearch and quiz. Looking at the story of Joseph we look at the challenges he faced, and the fact that he rose to each challenge that he faced, and then talked about what challenges they feel they will face in secondary school. 

We also let them know that PACE will be at their secondary school both in lessons and at a lunchtime club so they will see a friendly familiar face and additional support within their new environment. 

We are very grateful to the local churches for funding the ‘It’s Your Move’ Scripture Union books that we are able to gift to 696 Year 6 students. This book contains wordsearches, quiz, top tips, advice on how to tie a tie, personal survival stories from students who have been in this situation before, good advice, a primary school memory page and lots more.

We have seen the students enjoy this lesson and the teachers are grateful for us coming in to talk to them about this milestone. As soon as the students receive their book they immediately start looking through it and enjoying it.

La Mare Prayer Spaces

The team and some of our wonderful volunteers recently led prayer spaces at La Mare De Carteret Primary School.

This was where PACE was able to use a classroom for a few days for up to seven sessions/groups a day for classes from Year 2,3 and 4 to visit the prayer space for half an hour a session.

The room was set up with colourful drapes, strings of lights, relaxing music and prayer stations. 

This is to encourage students to reflect/pray and to show them that there are many different and creative ways to pray. 

The group was split between three table leaders. 

We had a station with water and paper lilies. The water had stones at the bottom, we spoke about how worries are heavy like the stones that sink to the bottom. When we open up and talk about our worries and let them go, they feel lighter. The children were invited to write or draw their worry on the paper lily and fold it. They watched as the paper lily floated and slowly opened up. This was a great visual example of how it is beneficial to open up and not keep our heavy worries bottled up and weighing us down. The children loved watching the lilies open and had the opportunity to talk about the topic of worries. This station also covered how Christians believe we can bring our worries to God. 

The next station was about acts of kindness and showed different scenarios like finding a £5 note on the floor of the supermarket and then different choices of whether you would keep it or hand it in. Other scenarios involving friendship and how to treat others was also included. This station also covered how Christians believe that God wants us to be kind. 

There were three other prayer stations covering the importance of saying sorry and recognising how difficult that can be, by writing out something we may want to say sorry for or the word sorry and throwing it into the sorry bin. Being brave and writing on the letter of your name ways that God can help us to be brave. The importance of being a light for others and exploring what “Jesus is the Light of the World” means. 

The teachers thought it was very needed for the children to have space to reflect and be still. 

The children enjoyed the drawing and colouring and reflecting and being introduced to new ways to pray. 

NT Mini Training

Just before half term, the PACE team and OT Mini presenters met together for three sessions with Phil Baskerville introducing us to NT (New Testament) Mini. This is in preparation for the official training in September. Phil worked very hard to develop lesson plans for NT Mini during lockdown and so we felt it would be good to invite him over and show us how he would teach the sessions. It was great to see Phil and spend time with him again!

We were taught the signs (like sign language signs) for the key events in the New Testament and shown the props that could be used during the 5 week course.

We, along with our wonderful volunteers, have been teaching OT (Old Testament) Mini in many school’s across Guernsey. However, there will be some changes being made to some schools RE curriculum come September, meaning that there may be less Old Testament being taught and more New Testament teaching.

We wanted to make sure that we were ready and prepared to teach the New Testament in schools and have already had a few schools asking for it!

There will be an NT Live event on 7th September 10am-4:30pm at Spurgeon Baptist Church which we hope many will attend to see Tom Greene, from the organisation, Walk Through The Bible, representing NT Mini, teach us the timeline of the New Testament. This is suitable to anyone involved in church ministry, teaching or just keen too expand their knowledge on the New Testament, and learn simple ways to remember key events, so we all can effectively communicate these to others.

NT Mini is an an interactive and colourful impacting way to understand and communicate the Bible effectively. Please do sign up for a great day!

PACE Update

This week we thought we would update you on the work and progress of SWYM (South West Youth Ministries) in Guernsey and hear how Sarah has found her first year with SWYM!

SWYM Update from Eleanor White

The end of our first year of having a cluster of SWYM trainees on Guernsey seems to be approaching quickly with the final block week of training coming up in June. We’re really pleased that Sophie, Natasha and Sarah are all going to continue training with South West Youth Ministries next year; Sophie and Sarah will be studying towards a degree in Applied Theology and Natasha is going to do a further one year course in leadership called the ‘The Academy’. It has been a fun year of getting to know each other much better as we have met together every week as well as heading to north Devon every half term for SWYM conference. 

It has been brilliant to be able to partner with PACE. SWYM’s vision is for every child and young person in our area to encounter Jesus, know him and make a choice to live for more. It is therefore fantastic to have the opportunity to go into schools with PACE and support the team as they seek to communicate Christian values and beliefs and create space to explore faith.  As well as supporting PACE individually to do lunch clubs, OT Minis etc (and in Sarah’s case working for PACE!), we have also gone into school together to support PACE each half term including leading prayer spaces and Easter in a Box. This has been fun and gives us a chance to reflect together afterwards as we seek to develop our practice. Last week at Cluster we enjoyed having Lisa lead a session on presentation skills and we are looking forward to learning from the story telling man himself when Phil Baskerville comes to lead some training in a couple of weeks time. 

Sarah, Sophie, Natasha and I are going together to a weekend camp called Spree which is run by SWYM at the end of June. Please pray for us and the young people we are taking – camps can be really important markers in a young person’s faith development and we’d love them to take the next step forward in their faith journey.

Next year, we definitely have a new member joining our SWYM cluster but we’re always happy to have more. If you know someone (of any age) who loves Jesus and enjoys working with children and young people – do tell them about SWYM. The one year Be Transformed programme is a great way to learn to serve and be equipped to communicate God’s love to children and young people while based in a local placement.

Love Eleanor (SWYM Area Co-ordinator for Guernsey)

SWYM Update from Sarah

This past year has flown by and I can’t believe we are approaching our last conference in June! I’ve learnt so much doing the Be Transformed course with SWYM. I have seen my confidence grow, my faith deepen and my understanding of the Bible develop through assignments and teaching. I’ve found myself stepping out in faith more than I have done previously. I’ve also loved having such a fantastic support base through the SWYM staff, my mentor, line manager, PACE, my church and Eleanor plus going through it all with wonderful friends. Our weekly cluster is always fun, filled with encouragement and prayer. In September I will be stepping out in faith to begin the degree in Applied Theology, a step I never thought I’d take! Working with PACE and studying alongside gives me a great mix of learning and practical experience. I’m so thankful to be able to continue doing what I love in schools and pursue further education at the same time.

PACE Update

This term Lisa, Sarah and Jo have been doing primary school assemblies on the topic of Noah and perseverance.

The assembly starts with asking the children what sporting event is happening this summer. Many children knew that it was the Olympics and had a favourite sport and athlete to share.

We took turns at various schools presenting and told the children that athletes prepare and persevere, they have a professional person advising them what to do and how to do it. We then made the link that Noah had to prepare and persevere, he didn’t do it alone, he had God telling him what to do and how to do it.

With the help of a very clever fabric change bag that changes scenes each time it is unfolded, Lisa or Sarah told the story of Noah. The children especially enjoyed making the sound of rain by patting their knees.

It was very interactive with the children being asked about their favourite athlete, what perseverance means and who helps them to persevere. 

In the conclusion the children were encouraged to persevere in life just like Noah. They were told that Christians believe that God is still helping all of us to persevere today.

The teachers appreciated the encouragement the children received to persevere. They thought the topic was very timely as schools are preparing for their sports day. One school was delighted at the topic as they had perseverance certificates to hand out to some children during that assembly.

The response from children and staff has been positive and it is also a good reminder for us all to remember to persevere and that we aren’t doing it alone. God is there to tell us what to do and how to do it and to help us each step of the way.

Lisa, Jo and Tom Saddington have also recently been taking Prayer lessons for students in Year 9 at Blanchelande College.

Prayer stations were set up in a classroom, based on the Lord’s Prayer.

Some of the stations we set up included:

A map of the world, post it notes and pens and news headlines. Students were encouraged to write a prayer for a person or country in the world and stick it to the map.

A bowl of pebbles, bowl of water, headphones and mp3 players. The students listened to a recording of Lisa’s voice encouraging them to hold a pebble and talked them through thoughts on holding onto anger and letting anger go. When they felt ready to, they could release the stone into the water and watch it sink, signifying letting go of their anger. 

Another station had pieces of bread to eat while thinking of the line “give us our daily bread”. We provided some large plastic ears and tissue paper for students to write down prayers and put them in the ears to signify God hearing our prayers. 

The most popular station was the one with pipe cleaners. This was to think of someone to pray for and make this person out of pipe cleaners as a reminder to think of them and pray for them. 

Discussion was opened up about prayer and why we pray. There was opportunity for the students to ask questions too.

Lots of questions were asked leading to deep conversations. Students asked questions such as : “Does God still do miracles?” “Why do bad things still happen?”, “Does prayer work?”. 

The students all said they appreciated approaching prayer in a way which was different to what they were used to and many had never approached prayer in a creative way before. The teachers enjoyed having PACE to lead their RE lessons and we really enjoyed delivering these lessons!

PACE Update

Lisa, Sarah and Jo enjoyed a quiet day at Rock Community Church with Phil Baldock after Easter. It was a time of refreshing for body and soul as we were treated to fresh fruit filled smoothies and an in depth study on the book of Genesis.

We looked at introductions in films and thought about the introduction of the Bible. Lisa, Sarah and Jo looked at many words representing core values and thought about which values resonated with us. 

It was a time to look at how we work together as a team, how we can serve others and a reminder of the vastness of creation and what a wonderful God that we serve who is able to do above and beyond all we could ask or seek. Thank you Phil for leading this for us!

Recently Lisa and Jo have been leading ASDAN lessons at Le Murier with Year 9 students. 

ASDAN is a qualification that the students can achieve through different modules. ASDAN helps each student to live as independently as possible and helps them gain skills that they will need for employment. 

The module that we have been helping them with is to work together to put on a spiritually based assembly to perform to Years 7 and 8. 

The theme that was chosen was forgiveness and the Bible story used for this was ‘The Prodigal Son’. 

Lisa and Jo worked with two different classes separately who then joined together for the performance. 

The format was for the first group of students to start with an introduction where they introduced themselves, and gave an ice breaker quiz on forgiveness. One question was:

Your brother loses your favourite toy. Do you :

A – forgive him 

B – Argue with him – stay mad 

C – Ask him to buy you another one 

This was followed by the second group of students acting out the story of the Prodigal Son. Followed by a conclusion from the first group. All in front of an audience of Year 7 and 8 students. 

Lisa and Jo worked with the students to help them grow in confidence ready for the performance. They saw great talent in their acting and presentation and highly praised them as they practiced each week. They all did the final performance brilliantly and have spent time reflecting on their achievement.

We really enjoy these courses and being able to be involved with the students qualification.

SWYM Youth and Children’s Training Day

At the beginning of March, Paul Friend – Director of SWYM (South West Youth Ministries) came to Guernsey. Alongside Eleanor White, they put together a youth and children’s training day at St Peters Church. Youth and Children’s workers from across Guernsey attended.

There was a lovely selection of breakfast pastries and refreshments to start, followed by prayer and worship and a word from Paul. There were a choice of workshops in the morning with a promo for each one so you could decide which one you wanted to attend. 

Jo attended a workshop run by Eleanor White and Abbie Coleman called ‘Faith at Home’ exploring ways to talk about your faith at home from the viewpoint of parents and also youth leaders and how we can encourage parents on their journey as they seek to share faith with their families. 

Lisa attended “Build the Youth and Children’s Ministry you Always Wanted” by Matt Gregor. They looked at our vision for our Ministry and dreamed about what could be. They talked about our frustrations and what can hinder us from having the Ministry we would like. Lisa found that it was really good, interactive and challenging!

Sarah went to the “In it for the Long Haul” where there was a panel of Paul Friend, Keith Le Parmentier and Paula Le Poidevin. Daniel Foot was hosting and there were discussions about not always seeing the fruit of our work but how that can be humbling, how to not be afraid to fail and not everything we try will work and that that’s ok! They also learnt to draw on others abilities and skills and not to try and do everything ourselves. It was really inspirational and interesting. Sarah enjoyed learning from those that have gone before and two of them were her youth leaders growing up so she loved being inspired by them!

A delicious lunch was kindly provided by the Rector of St Pierre Du Bois, Reverend Datta and his wife and family, showing that hospitality certainly is the centre of what they do.

In the afternoon there were a choice of workshops to attend. Lisa, Sarah and Jo led the PACE workshop and showed examples of prayer spaces and explained the ministry of PACE.

The day was a great time of fellowship, opportunity to grow and a reminder that we are not alone. 

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. (Galatians Chapter 6 verse 9).

Easter in a Box!

This term Lisa, Sarah and Jo and a number of our wonderful volunteers have been leading Easter in a box at Blanchelande, Melrose, St Mary and St Michael, La Mare, Hautes Capelles and Forest and we will be visiting Notre Dame and Vale (after Easter).

Easter in a Box is led in the format of ‘Easter the Movie’. There are six boxes unpacked including movie trailer and then scenes 1-5, which contain props so that the children can come to the front of the class to act out the Easter Story scene by scene. 

This movie approach brings the story to life and helps the children to understand it. They each receive a scene map which helps them to remember what they have learnt as well as being a great tool to be able to retell the story to others at a later date. 

The children also have an egg box each to decorate and inside are the crafts and items that they collect along the way which will also help them to retell the story and remember what they have learnt. 

The children have the opportunity to express their feelings and emotions after watching each scene which opens up interesting discussions and gives them time to pause and reflect. 

Some of the comments from the children have been :

“This has been the best Wednesday ever!”

“I chose this emoji which is crying with happiness” (When choosing the emoji to best describe their emotions after watching the Resurrection scene) 

“I would say to Jesus – I thought you had died! Don’t scare me like that!” (when writing down what the would say to Jesus after the resurrection). 

One teacher commented that the style and format of Easter in a Box really brought the story to life. This has inspired her when she is teaching not just to read or talk from the front, but to get the students involved in acting out parts of the story.

A wonderful resource from Bristol Schools Connection. Thank you to all who have been involved!

Wishing you a blessed and joyous Easter season, filled with the peace of Christ.

Please also enjoy reading through our termly Newsletter which you can find here!