This week we will be taking our primary school assembly to Notre Dame and Castel schools. Our BOLT clubs are looking at the theme “God Has Plans for Us”, where we talk about how our skills and abilities are signposts directing us to the paths that God has for our lives.
Our OT Mini courses are on Week 4 and are all going really well. Last week, one student approached Phil before the beginning of a session and said “I’m really enjoying these RE lessons!”
This week in senior lunch clubs we are starting a mini-series on the creation story. We are looking at the account in Genesis 1 and how Christians interpret it; this week is about how God’s creation is a gift. Also we continue our sessions at Le Murier, where the parts for the assembly have now been allocated to the students. This week we will help the students to develop their different roles.
Another exciting opportunity for the senior team this week is a lesson at Blanchelande College on the theme of evil and suffering. We are looking at Christian views on the causes of evil, how we should respond when bad things happen, and the role of Jesus’ death in dealing with it.