This week our primary team have had an assembly at Le Rondin looking at changes. We told the story of Jesus calming the storm, with four volunteers playing Jesus and the disciples. The rest of the children helped with the sounds and motions of the wind and the waves to bring the story alive. We then discussed how changes can be scary but in the story the disciples had Jesus to help them through it and we have lots of people around us to help us through changes.
We have also visited Notre Dame for our final “Untouchables” assembly. We’ve really enjoyed doing these assemblies, encouraging students to look out for those people who may be feeling left out and include them in their games or make an effort to be friends with them.
Phil will also be delivering a lesson on St Sampson at Forest for Year 3. Please pray that this goes well and that the children enjoy it.
Our BOLT clubs are on Week 6 looking at “God in three parts”. We will be discussing God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
In senior lunch clubs this week we are looking at anger, considering how we all get angry sometimes as it’s part of human nature. We are giving the students the challenge of making an origami animal to see if they find the task frustrating or easy. We have had a mixed response so far! We end by looking at a verse from James which talks about being quick to listen and slow to respond in times of anger, and ask the students what they think of this advice. Conversations so far this week have been really interesting as students talk about what makes them angry and how they deal with their anger.
This week we will be visiting Blanchelande and Elizabeth College for an assembly on the theme of overcoming a fear of failure in order to try new and exciting opportunities. We draw inspiration from the disciples who hid in fear after Jesus’ death, but then when the Holy Spirit was sent to them they had the courage to go out share the good news. They were completely transformed. We encourage the students to not let fear hold them back as they never know what they might miss out on unless they try.