We hope those of you that had a half term break enjoyed it! Our team appreciated some time off but still visited a few schools. Phil organised some students from Melrose to visit Spurgeon Baptist Church and our senior team took an assembly looking at teamwork at Ladies College.
This week we are starting our puppet assemblies in primary schools. This will be looking at changes, with Oscar wanting to fit in as he moves to a new school in September. He ends up changing his hairstyle, before completely changing his looks. His friend Amy makes him realise that he doesn’t need to change the way he looks but that it’s how he acts that will help him make friends and fit in. The assembly finishes with this summary:
“We often have things that change in our lives, and it can be scary, but it doesn’t mean we need to change who we are to fit in with other people. It says in the Bible that God made us and he loves us just as we are, and he will look after us no matter what happens in life. So I’d like to encourage all of us to be brave when changes come along. Maybe, right now, we could all think of a change that’s coming up. Maybe it’s a new school, or a new class next year.”
We will also be visiting Vale Year 1’s this week for an RE Inspired creation lesson. We have loved delivering this lesson in the past and are looking forward to taking it to Vale. Phil will be starting a new course of OT Mini at St Mary and St Michael with Year 6, whilst Sian and Sarah continue into Week 2 at Forest.
This week in senior lunch clubs we are looking at the characteristic faithfulness. We look at the story of Daniel and the lions den and how Daniel remained faithful to God. We discuss different areas of life where being faithful is important and how following through on things we agree to or say is important. Being faithful in the small things will help us to be faithful in the larger commitments we make as we grow up.
Also this week we will be visiting Le Murier for an assembly on teamwork, taking inspiration from the story of Jesus healing a paralysed man (Mark 2:1-12). The friends of the paralysed man are determined that their friend will meet Jesus and they work together to make sure this happens. We encourage the students that teamwork is about listening and communicating and how each person has a unique set of talents and abilities to bring to a team.
Next Monday (11th June) is our Presentation Evening and AGM at Les Camps Methodist Church. We would love to see you there! It’s going to be a great evening. Please come along at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.