The final week of term is now here and we started the week by reflecting back over the term. We have had so many great opportunities to share and communicate the Bible to so many students across the Island. We are very thankful for all the clubs, lessons and assemblies we have been privileged to lead this term. Please take a moment to look at our Newsletter where we share some of our highlights from the last few months. Find it here: 2018 Summer Newsletter
This week we have our final transition lessons as St Mary and St Michael’s, Castel and Vauvert. These sessions have been well received by the students who openly discuss the changes and challenges they are going to face at they move to their new schools. Many of the teachers have fed back that the lesson is great and fits in well to the foundation the school has already laid as they prepare the students for their move.
Finally, we had our end of term lunch on Monday but this marked the end of an era. It was Lee’s last team lunch and we were able to celebrate all that Lee has done and brought to the team over the last 16 years. He will be missed by the team and I am sure the schools and students as well. We wish him all the best as he takes up his teaching position at Elizabeth College in September.