What a fantastic start to our BOLT clubs! Last week we started our clubs and each one went really well. The children coming are all super enthusiastic and great fun! At Vauvert, we discovered that 30 children signed up for the club, so like last year we will be running two clubs back to back to allow 15 in each group. In your prayers this week, I’d really like to encourage you to thank God for these fantastic children who are willingly coming to a Christian club during their lunch hour!
In our other work in primary schools, Phil and Sarah took a great RE Inspired lesson on Creation with Year 1 at St Mary and St Michael’s last week. The children created some of their favourite things of creation with Playdoh, including Herm, a snowman and members of their family!
This week Phil will be taking another REI lesson on The Bible at Hautes Capelles for Year 3’s (75 children!!) Please pray for Phil and that the children are attentive and enjoy the lesson.We will also be taking our “New Beginnings” assemblies at Castel and Hautes Capelles this week too.
‘So God created people in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’ Gen 1:27 – This is a verse we may have heard a thousand times if we have been a Christian or around Church for a long time. Yet, for many young people today it is perhaps not a very known or talked about concept. This week we have the opportunity to speak to Year 7’s at La Mare High School on ‘self-worth and relationships.’ We are able to share with them that as Christians we believe that God created each and every person for a purpose and has a unique plan for their lives.
In our clubs we are often shown the latest video which has taken the internet by storm and is making a difference or videos that the students themselves have made. So this week we are exploring the question ‘Would Jesus be a viral sensation today?’ – Explaining that Jesus didn’t have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram but wherever he went he drew crowds of people to him and used his platform to make a difference. Challenging the students to think about how they use social media and how they can use it to make a positive impact.