Last week we delivered an assembly at Ladies College on the importance of playing our part and taking responsibility for our role. We used Paul’s picture of the human body to show how we all need each other as we are all connected to each other. He says that the body is made up of many parts and each of those parts is just as important as the rest. We concluded that everyone is valuable and that all of us have unique skills and abilities which we need to take responsibility for when it comes to working in a team.
This week we have been back at Ladies College leading lessons on the Christian views on war with year 9. The students have engaged really well with the questions and discussions, for example following our bible verses activity one student asked ‘If Jesus says to turn the other cheek then war can never be a viable option, how can Christians ever think it is OK to go to war?’ – This lead to a very interesting discussion as the students grappled with the challenging words of Jesus’ teaching.
We have continued working with a group of students in year 9 at Le Murier on their assembly on Joseph. As part of their assembly they are acting out some of the story, we have spent the last few weeks rehearsing the story. The students have developed their characters and it is coming together really well. Last week we were discussing what we can learn from the story and one student said ‘that we should treat everyone fairly’. This is what they decided they wanted to conclude and teach the other students from the story.
In senior lunch clubs we have looked at newspaper stories about Harry and Megan and about the tension between the US and Iran. It has been interesting to hear what the students think on these topics and we have had some interesting discussions, particularly this week about ‘Is war ever OK?’
We’re still very busy with our OT Mini courses. La Houguette and Forest have just done Week 4 and will be finishing next week as St Mary and St Michaels starts. Beechwood finishes on Friday, just as we start a new course at Melrose too!
Our assemblies in primary schools are all going really well. This week we’ve been to St Martins, Vale, Acorn House and Castel. We’ve really enjoyed delivering these assemblies on Jonah, and they seem to have been memorable with the children!