Last week we visited La Rondin with Oscar and Amy to present our puppet assembly. We always enjoy their enthusiastic response and wanting to meet the puppets at the end!
We delivered the final Big Questions Year 7 lesson at La Mare last week too. The students were interested, keen and asked some great questions!
This week started with a Monday morning Creation and Science lesson at St Sampsons for their Year 7’s. Throughout the week we have returned to see the rest of the year with the same session. We have really enjoyed these and look forward to doing them again.
In primary work we visited Amherst’s Year 1 and did our Creation lesson with them. They loved the session and enjoyed making their own creations out of play doh! The best part is revealing to the children that God’s most special, precious creation is them!
We have also written and delivered our first Advent assembly (a little early!) at La Mare Primary. Our assembly focuses on waiting and we begin with a dressing up activity. Three volunteers are dressed up and the children have to guess what they are waiting for. Can you work it out from the pictures below?
Our story looks at Mary being told she is going to have a baby and the excitement she feels in waiting. We are using a word and response script so the children can interact throughout. The assembly finishes with a time of reflection and thanking God for the excitement of Advent.
Lastly we visited Elizabeth College and Ladies College with our assembly on learning from failure. In this we explore Peter denying Jesus but that’s not the end of his story. As ever the students created some beautiful creations of Phil out of toothpaste!