We’re nearly through the first month of 2023! Already we feel we are well underway for a busy year ahead.

In the last two weeks we have started our new primary assembly looking at the Wise and Foolish builders, the parable told by Jesus in Matthew. Our assembly starts with looking at what a New Year’s resolution is and one of us announces that our resolution is to never be late for the whole year – not even by a minute! Through the telling and acting of the story we learn that sometimes the choices we make aren’t the best and things can crop up and rock us so we need to build our year on solid foundations, on making wise choices. But each day is a new start and we can learn from our mistakes and try again. So far we’ve had great feedback and teachers are finding the message fits in well with what they are encouraging the children too.

This term we have also been back at Le Murier working with Year 9 on a module for their ASDAN qualification. We are helping them to plan and prepare an assembly which they will present to the lower school. This year we have chosen the story of the Paralyzed Man who comes down through the roof and is healed by Jesus. We have had many discussions about how this part of the story can be acted out!! The conclusion they are bringing out of the story is it’s important to help people and it’s important to be a good friend. All parts have now been cast so we are busy working out the logistics, costumes and learning lines. Please pray for them as they rehearse and prepare for the final presentation.