PACE Update

This term Lisa and Jo, along with Phil Baldock have led several Christian Worldview lessons at St Sampson High school. This lesson looks at what a Christian believes.
It starts by talking about creation. The students have the opportunity to test their knowledge on what was created on what day with picture cards to assemble in the correct order.

We talk about free will verses robots and looking at how humans make their own choices, and how as a result of free will, we see much chaos around us. We explain that this doesn’t mean that God doesn’t care but is a reminder that we all have free will and it is up to people how they choose to use their free will, and how this impacts others. 

Looking through the Apostles Creed and what Christians believe about salvation, fully puts across the Christian worldview and ties in well with their current Religious Studies topics at school.

The RS teacher was delighted at the content and said it would go well with what they were studying this term.

In primary schools we have been busy delivering Leavers Lessons to all Year 6 classes across all the primary schools, alongside local church leaders.

This lesson helps to prepare Year 6 students for their transition into Secondary school.

We look at the changes, challenges and choices that the students will experience. They have the opportunity to work in groups, think through and discuss their thoughts and worries connected to this move.

This is an interactive lesson with a movie clip, wordsearch and quiz. Looking at the story of Joseph we look at the challenges he faced, and the fact that he rose to each challenge that he faced, and then talked about what challenges they feel they will face in secondary school. 

We also let them know that PACE will be at their secondary school both in lessons and at a lunchtime club so they will see a friendly familiar face and additional support within their new environment. 

We are very grateful to the local churches for funding the ‘It’s Your Move’ Scripture Union books that we are able to gift to 696 Year 6 students. This book contains wordsearches, quiz, top tips, advice on how to tie a tie, personal survival stories from students who have been in this situation before, good advice, a primary school memory page and lots more.

We have seen the students enjoy this lesson and the teachers are grateful for us coming in to talk to them about this milestone. As soon as the students receive their book they immediately start looking through it and enjoying it.