School’s Out For Summer!

It is the last day of term! We’ve had a challenging year but also seen some amazing new changes – Jo joined the team, we have a new board of trustees and we had a great Vision Night!

Our Vision Night and AGM, was held at the beginning of July at Vale Mission chuch. We talked about changes to PACE leadership with Mark Le Tissier stepping down as Chairman, Jon Honour stepping in as interim Chairman and Paul Mudge as Managing Trustee. 

There was a tribute given to Mark who was present, to thank him for his 33 years of service to PACE and talk about his new OT Mini Presenter role. Mark also shared some words about his years with PACE.

Lisa talked about the past and the importance of the three C’s = 

“Connecting schools and churches, Communicating Christian beliefs and values and Creating space to explore faith.”

There was a report on what PACE has done this year, reflections on the year and challenges faced.

Sarah gave a moving tribute to honour a wonderful, talented PACE volunteer Nigel Lewis who sadly passed away recently. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. 

Lisa and Sarah talked about the present, update on the work and the team, with an interview with Jo on what it has been like joining PACE. 

Sarah and Eleanor shared about SWYM (South West Youth Ministries). 

Talking about the future, Jo spoke about NT Live that is open to all to sign up for, being held on Saturday 7th September at Spurgeon Baptist Church (sign up here: and the NT Mini training. 

Sarah spoke about Life Exhibition which is an opportunity for local churches to host a wonderful interactive exhibition about God and creation for school students to visit. 

Lisa shared about Andy Bannister who is an Apologist who will be visiting Guernsey in October and already has bookings to speak at various schools. 

We also spoke about church visits and the importance of getting in front of church congregations to share about the work of PACE and how people can support the ministry. Nicole Le Goupillot shared a moving message about making the most of the opportunities that we currently have in schools. 

Treasurer Dan Miller shared about the finances and also shared that he will be stepping down as treasurer for PACE and how much he has enjoyed supporting PACE in this role. PACE are actively looking for a new treasurer to take on this role. 

As it is the end of term, our termly newsletter is now available! Please read it below.

We hope you have a lovely summer and we will be back in September!