Back to School!

The new school term has started, and we have hit the ground running! Our first week back has been great with a Year 7 assembly at St Sampsons High, a workshop with Leon Evans from The Further Faster Network asking the question: “What’s the next generation worth?” and meetings with teachers.

We have also had NT (New Testament) Mini Training and NT Live.

The NT Mini new team of 7 presenters had two days of 9am – 4pm training with visiting presenter Tom Greene. We looked at the sessions that we will be teaching in schools, and learnt the hand signs relating to the different events in the New Testament. It was a very in depth, informative and interactive time. We are delighted to tell you that all 7 presenters passed the training and are now ready to prepare for work in our local schools to teach NT Mini. 

Our NT Live event was held at Spurgeon Baptist Church. It was open to all and was a great in depth look at the New Testament. The session was split into working with small groups, listening to Tom talk about the history and geography of the New Testament, watching slides and having breaks and lunch. We were also all given books and literature to support our learning. There were over 30 people in attendance and all enjoyed the time and are already asking for an OT Live session for next year.

Sarah has also been to her first SWYM conference of the year as she begins her 3 year degree in Applied Theology. Every six weeks Sarah will visit Lee Abbey for in person lectures and fellowship with other trainees. The theme for this conference was based on John 15:4, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

Sarah says, “Conference is a great time to get together with friends, catch up on how we’re all doing in our placements and support and encourage one another in our faith. Starting the degree is challenging but exciting!”