PACE Update – Harvest

This half term we have done 18 primary school Harvest assemblies.

We start with a welcome/introduction and a game.

In this game we have two teams of three children. They have to relay race to the bag opposite them, taking out one item at a time. They then dress one of the children as a farmer. The items are a hat, scarf, coat, gloves and wellies. We have deliberately mixed up the wellies and gloves so they don’t have matching pairs, on realising this they then decide whether they would like to share with the other team so they have matching pairs.

The game is great fun and the farmers look great dressed up by their farmer helpers.

We then talk about what harvest time is and the importance of sharing and giving to others. 

We lead into the Bible story about Elijah and the woman he met who didn’t have enough flour or oil, and how she did as he asked and made bread, and then there was always enough flour in the bowl and oil in the jar.

On concluding about the importance of sharing, we talk about how there are different ways of sharing. We can share a smile with someone. We can share our time. We reflect that at harvest time we are thankful for the food we have.

Our closing prayer sums up everything.

“Dear God, thank you for the food we have to eat. Thank you that we can smile and be kind. Please help us to share what we have with those around us. Amen.