PACE Update

Last week, we held Quiet Spaces at Melrose.

In these sessions we transform a classroom into a quiet and reflective space. Draping throws and covers over the bookshelves and counters, we set up prayer stations with relaxing music in the background.

This time some of our stations were :

Friendship flower – The students created a beautiful flower by adding a petal each, on which was the name of a friend and why they are grateful for them.

Children wrote things such as this on their Friendship flower petals:

“My sister is loving”. 

“Mummy cooks for me”. 

“My friend is kind and helpful and makes me smile”. 

Sorry sand – The students trace ‘sorry’ in the sand and think about how Christians pray to God when they are sorry and with the other hand wipe the sand smooth so it is all fresh and new and what they were sorry for has been wiped away, the slate has been wiped clean. 

Fizzy forgiveness – This is where the students think about how they feel when someone is mean to them (sad) and by taking a fizzy tablet, dropping it into the water, they learn the importance of letting go of the sadness and watching it all dissolve and disappear. 

Being brave – The students find the first letter of their name and write down “Dear God help me to be brave when….. “

Some of the brave prayers were :

“Dear God, please help me to be brave when I am scared or sad.”

“Dear God, please help me to be brave in the dark.”

Helping hands – Thinking about kindness and ways to help others and writing ideas of ways to show kindness on a paper hand (helping hand) that they keep to remind themselves to be kind. 

The teachers said the Quiet Space was very timely as they were raising money for charity by wearing a loud tie or bright hair and imaginative hairstyles, and lots of noise and excitement. The teachers said it was lovely to calm down for half an hour to do this. 

PACE attended the Guernsey Youth, Children’s and Families Network which this time was kindly hosted by Vazon Elim Church. This is a get together with other youth, children’s and family workers across the island.

We were all treated to delicious pastries, muffins, fruit and more as we arrived.

We started our time with fellowship over breakfast and moved into a lovely time of worship led by Alex on guitar. 

Leigh-Ann shared with us some thoughts from the recent Elim Conference she had attended along with her team and people from other churches in Guernsey. She had been struck by a talk about busyness and turned our thoughts to how much we are doing in our week and how much is back to back allowing little space in between. We were challenged with thinking about as leaders in church ministry, when was the last time we were sat in the service with the congregation or took time to ensure our faith was being fed.

This opened up discussion about not becoming burnt out, also realising that God gives us the strength that we need for what we have to do. Discernment and wisdom from God is needed for us to know what to say yes or no to.

We finished with a time of prayer in small groups. It was a refreshing time and a reminder that we are not alone.

Please pray for us this week for the following:

  • The OT and NT Mini courses currently running – for the presenters and children receiving these sessions
  • Those presenting our Year 11 lessons on War this week
  • Give thanks for all our volunteers and the hours they give to serving the schools of Guernsey alongside us
  • All students and staff at our local schools

PACE Update

NT Mini (New Testament Mini)

NT Mini has begun, starting at Blanchelande College, with their Year 6’s!

Presenters for these sessions are – Lisa, Sarah, Sarah-Jane, Eleanor, Jo, Tom and Frances.

We have had a great start and the students and teachers are very much enjoying the sessions and eager to learn more.

As with OT Mini, we are using props, audience participation, PowerPoint slides and videos to bring the New Testament stories to life.

At the start of our five week course we are so very grateful for the support and prayers that are going on behind the scenes. We really do feel supported and uplifted in prayer so thank you very much.

The teacher has said “This is brilliant” and was keen to put up her hand and answer a question herself when the students were putting up their hands to answer.

The students had brilliant Bible knowledge and were really enthusiastic and ready to listen and learn. They had even remembered a lot from the OT Mini course they had done a year ago and were excited to learn new hand signs.

Please continue to pray for the presenters as they teach about Jesus in schools and the children and teachers receiving this course.

Primary Assemblies

This term in assemblies we have been starting off with a ‘find the odd one out’ quiz followed by a Bible story.

There were 5 slides, all of which had 4 characters, and the children had to spot the odd one out and say why they thought it was the odd one out.  I wonder which one you would class as the odd one out ?– they were as follows;

  1. Ariel, Ursula, Rapunzel, Snow White
  2. Police, Paramedic, Bank robber, Firefighter
  3. Darth Vadar, Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia
  4. Spiderman, Captain America, Thanos, Thor
  5. Moana, Pua the pig, Maui, Lava Monster

The children chose the odd one out as being the ‘baddy’ – the one no one liked.  The one no one thought could change.

We looked at the story of Zacchaeus.  One point that I hadn’t thought of before, was that Zacchaeus not only would have climbed a tree to see clearly over the crowds, but as a hated tax collector who took more than he was owed, he would have been spat at and shoved by the crowd and anyone who spotted him or recognised him.  He would have wanted to see Jesus by making himself as inconspicuous as possible and finding a way to also get a good view.

How shocked he must have been that Jesus stopped by the tree, knew he was there, knew his name, had kindness in his eyes instead of judgement or scorn.  Kindness was a look that Zacchaeus would not have been used to.  I’m surprised that in that moment Zacchaeus didn’t fall out of the tree in shock!!

Jesus gave Zacchaeus a chance when no one else would.  Jesus was kind to Zacchaeus when no one else was.

Sometimes we can all do things that make us the odd one out, we too can change our ways and make good decisions for the future.  It is never too late to start making right choices.

Jesus helped Zacchaeus to change his ways.  Zacchaeus went from being someone who took too much money from people to someone who gave generously to those in need.

The children were encouraged to follow their school values, be kind and make good choices.

The students and teachers have really enjoyed this assembly and the teachers have particularly appreciated the message of making good choices as this backs up what they teach as a school.

Please pray particularly this week for:

  • Quiet Spaces at Melrose – that it will run smoothly and the children will enjoy being reflective and thinking about prayer.
  • OT and NT Mini lessons happening at St Mary and St Michael and Blanchelande College – that the lessons go well and are received well by all.
  • Lunch clubs in our secondary schools, for good conversations and that the students enjoy their time.
  • Upcoming meeting with children’s and youth leaders across Guernsey on Saturday – that it would be encouraging to all who attend.
  • Thanks to God for all the opportunities we have in schools this week!

New Year Update

All of us at PACE hope that you had a lovely restful Christmas and New Year.

We are all very excited to be entering 2025 with a busy diary and feel very blessed to have so many open doors at our local schools.

Please remember us in your prayers.  Here are some updates for what we will be doing shortly which will help you with specific prayers.

Coming up in January;

We have just finished off our Christmas in a box lessons with the last three being at Vale Primary School last week – this Christmas we delivered this to 11 schools which is amazing and a great achievement to thank God for!

We will be teaching our Jesus lesson at Blanchelande College – “Was He Mad, Bad or God?” to Year 7’s , looking at the evidence for Jesus’ life and teachings.

We will be starting our NT Mini five week course at Blanchelande and would value your prayers as we step out into this course that is new to us.

We are currently preparing our primary school assembly for this term, so we are looking at what Bible story to share, how we are going to do that, and preparing and praying over that as we start these assemblies this month.

We have some church visits coming up which is very exciting. We will be visiting St Peters and Eldad in the next few weeks.

We will be starting our ASDAN course at Le Murier.  ASDAN is a qualification that the students can achieve through different modules.  This helps each student to live as independently as possible and helps them gain skills that they will need for employment.  PACE assists in the module for the students to prepare and deliver a spiritually based assembly.

Finally at the end of the month, we will be holding a Prayer Spaces day at Melrose, please pray for our preparations for this and that all involved are blessed.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Sarah began the term with a study week conference at Lee Abbey in Devon with SWYM. The theme of the week was Ambassadors, looking at the verses 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2:

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says,

“In the time of my favor I heard you,
    and in the day of salvation I helped you.”

I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”

Sarah enjoyed her week in the beautiful surroundings of Lee Abbey, learning and growing alongside her fellow SWYM trainees. The first year of her degree is going well with many exciting opportunities ahead with study and working at PACE. Please continue to pray for SWYM in Guernsey and the partnership between PACE and SWYM.

Happy Christmas!!

We’re now at the end of the term!

Among the last few Christmas in a Box lessons, Lisa and Jo led a Christmas assembly at one of our primary schools in the last week. They spoke about what Advent means and that it is waiting for Christmas and what is to come.

The Christmas story was told by replacing words with the names of chocolate bars which was very effective. The children loved it and the staff were happily chuckling away. It had a great impact in a simple way, but one that makes the Christmas story memorable. A favourite chocolate bar Christmas story reference was that “Herod was up to his old Twix”.

Phil Baldock and Howard Davenport led two secondary school Christmas assemblies at St Sampson High School too which was enjoyed by all. We have all enjoyed getting across the true message of Christmas in the schools this term.

Please see below our Winter Term Newsletter, we hope you enjoy reading all that we have been involved in delivered to schools this term. Please pray for a restful break for the staff and students of our schools and also the PACE team.

PACE Update – All things Christmas!

Last week, we set up a beautiful space at Blanchelande College for an Advent themed Prayer Space for the senior school students.

As Christmas carols play quietly in the background, the students enter a room filled with twinkling lights and seven prayer stations.

Here are some of the stations that we included:
There is a treasure box filled with little stars. As students think about the guiding star that guided the wise men to Jesus, they can keep a star to remember how God guides us in life and is always with us.

Gift tags are used for the student to think of their gift or talent, write it on a gift tag then stick them to present boxes to show how our gifts can help others. One student wrote that they were caring, thoughtful and kind and recognised how aspects of our personality are in fact gifts that can be used to bless others. 

Christmas baubles are decorated and written on to describe things they are grateful for then hung onto the Christmas tree. One student wrote that they had found a new love for singing. 

Thinking of Advent being a time of waiting, the student write on a paper clock what they are waiting for and then lay it in a manger as a sign that all these things are brought to God and we trust His timing. One example a student wrote was “For Jesus to come again”. 

Prayers were pinned to a map to pray for the world. One student wrote “I pray for those battling depression and that they know they’re not alone”.

The students loved the sessions and particular favourite stations were the stars and the baubles.

The leader of the sessions began with a snip and tell, where the students were asked to tell the Christmas story while the leader cuts away at paper which then reveals a nativity picture – they loved it!

We had a Emotional Learning Support Assistant visit and she was blown away by what she saw and absolutely loved it, she came to pick up ideas for things to do with her students and was so encouraged with the PACE Prayer Spaces and felt it would be of great benefit to the students.

Please continue to pray for the work. This week we’re having our lunch club Christmas parties, continuing Christmas in a Box lessons and catching up on lots of admin before the holidays! We ask for prayer for health for the team and energy to finish the term well.

PACE Update

We’ve been very busy this term with lots of different projects and lessons! Jo has written about a couple of them here so you can get an insight into what we are doing day to day in the schools of Guernsey.

Creation Lessons
We have enjoyed taking the Creation lesson into Year 1 classrooms across the island, this term. We introduce that we will be talking about what Christians believe about how the world was created which is right at the beginning of the Bible. 

We start by watching a beautiful video of stunning nature images from across this beautiful globe. The children love these and there are lots of “wow!” moments when they see pictures of the Northern lights or thunder storms, and lots of “cute!” moments with seeing baby animals and lots of giggles when they see funny animal pictures too.

The children then discuss what was their favourite photo and why. We talk about this beautiful world and pose the question “should people help to look after this wonderful world”? We then look at the Creation story with the use of picture boards to represent each day that was created. The day of rest is blank to illustrate that in our minds we can each think of something that we would do in the day of rest.

We ask the children what their favourite day was and why. We pose the question “could we remove a day and still have everything that we need”?

The children then enjoy making something from creation with playdough and they all share with the class what they have made and we talk about how they felt about their creation and how God feels about His creation.

A lovely conclusion to the lesson is the treasure box that we show the children. This is where we talk about God’s most precious creation that he loves so much and that we have it here in this treasure box. They come up to look inside and inside is a mirror showing them that they are God’s most precious creation.

The children conclude by discussing the importance of looking after our world and how we can do that.

Prayer Spaces
Prayer Spaces is when we take over a classroom or school library for a few days and have classes visiting us in that room to explore different ways to pray. We have several prayer stations set up where small groups of children visit each prayer station.

Examples of this include ‘prayer lilies’ where you write down a worry on a paper lily and once folded in a certain way and placed in a large dish of water, the lilies slowly open up, symbolic of us opening up to God and releasing our worries to him.

‘Sorry sand’ where each child has a tray of sand and writes or draws in the sand something they are sorry for, then wipes it away, smooths out the sand, showing how God forgives us and wipes the slate clean.

There are many more prayer stations that all show different ways to connect with God.

I love the prayer wall as it is so lovely to see what children write as a prayer to God. Examples of these prayers are – “thank you for being a Father to me” – “Thank you for the best gift ever, my life”. “Please look after my Gran in heaven”. 

A favourite is the prayer tent. A pop up tent with twinkly lights inside or a bubble tube. A chance to be still and quiet and pray in a relaxing space set apart from everything else.

Teachers love how calm it is and the children enjoy having a moment out of their busy day to reflect, think and pray.

Superhero Assembly

We have also been leading assemblies in Primary schools on the theme superheroes.

The children start with a quiz to see if they can guess the superhero from the emoji clues on screen. They tell us what their superpower would be if they were a superhero.

We then explore the idea that there is more to being a superhero such as being kind and caring and honest and brave.

We go into the story of David being chosen to be king with 9 volunteers to play Jesse and his sons. They learn that man looks on the outside but God looks on the inside. 

The children learn that there are lots of different kinds of superheroes, it is important not to judge others by the outside, and that we too can be Superheroes if we work on the person we are on the inside.

This week we are starting to deliver our Christmas in a Box lessons, visiting St Sampsons High for some lessons on Christian Views on War, visiting Amherst for a lesson on Jesus along with daily lunch clubs and a couple of assemblies. Please do keep these activities, the students, team and volunteers in your prayers this week.

PACE Update

Sarah has just come back from her block week with SWYM. Her second of the year, Sarah stayed at Lee Abbey in Devon, with it’s beautiful surroundings. The theme of this conference was “The Jesus Way” where together they looked at 1 Peter 3:8-9. A challenging read but through hearing different speakers and studying it together, it was very thought provoking. In her lectures Sarah and the rest of the first year degree students looked into the Old Testament timeline (where OT Mini came in very handy!), Psalms 1 and 2 and 1 Corinthians. It was a very interesting week learning about how important it is to study the social and historical contexts of when these passages were written in order to fully understand them.

Back in Guernsey, Lisa and Jo continued with another busy week! Recently the team have developed a lesson for Year 2 called, “Jesus Teaches Kindness.” In the lesson the team show a Lego retelling of the story of The Good Samaritan and discuss the question asked of Jesus: “Who is my neighbour?” In small groups the children look at what it means to be kind and identifies who was kind in the story while learning to retell the story themselves. They also then choose an act of kindness and write it on their paper “helping hand” to take home. The lesson is slowly being delivered to a number of schools and fits in well with the curriculum of our primary schools.

Finally we wanted to update you with some exciting news about PACE’s church visits. Recently we filmed a video with James Le Tissier who from that created a brilliant video that we can play during our church visits. The video is a quick overview and insight into our work – thank you James! Watch this space for more to come!

PACE Update – Harvest

This half term we have done 18 primary school Harvest assemblies.

We start with a welcome/introduction and a game.

In this game we have two teams of three children. They have to relay race to the bag opposite them, taking out one item at a time. They then dress one of the children as a farmer. The items are a hat, scarf, coat, gloves and wellies. We have deliberately mixed up the wellies and gloves so they don’t have matching pairs, on realising this they then decide whether they would like to share with the other team so they have matching pairs.

The game is great fun and the farmers look great dressed up by their farmer helpers.

We then talk about what harvest time is and the importance of sharing and giving to others. 

We lead into the Bible story about Elijah and the woman he met who didn’t have enough flour or oil, and how she did as he asked and made bread, and then there was always enough flour in the bowl and oil in the jar.

On concluding about the importance of sharing, we talk about how there are different ways of sharing. We can share a smile with someone. We can share our time. We reflect that at harvest time we are thankful for the food we have.

Our closing prayer sums up everything.

“Dear God, thank you for the food we have to eat. Thank you that we can smile and be kind. Please help us to share what we have with those around us. Amen.

PACE Update

At PACE we believe that it is important to grow, study, learn, increase our knowledge and attend courses, to develop our training and understanding. To be as equipped as we can be in the role that we are in. 

Jo recently attended an online day course with Scripture Union entitled ‘Introduction to Schools Ministry’.

This course was split into six sessions:

1. Introduction
2. Thinking strategically
3. Clubs
4. Collective worship
5. Local partnerships
6. Love your school

As well as listening and looking at slides and video clips, there was also the opportunity to go into small groups of five into ‘breakout rooms’ to discuss topics further. 

They talked about the importance of connecting with your local school and ways you can do that, and how it is beneficial for churches to work with organisations that already have history of working with the school. 

The course confirmed that PACE are definitely on the right track and already doing most of the things recommended to do. It also showed how much more opportunity PACE has compared to many UK organisations. It reminded us how blessed we are and how the work flourishes when churches and schools work organisations work together. 

A very worthwhile course to do and highly recommended. 

We have also been very busy delivering a number of activities recently in schools including:

In some of our OT Mini lessons, we use Godly Play to tell some of the stories in a different way. The children are always captivated by this and it is a great visual way to teach. Here is a picture from our current course being led at Blanchelande College by Eleanor White, Sarah and Tom Saddington.
  • Year 1 Creation Lessons
  • Primary School Harvest assemblies
  • Secondary School assemblies
  • Meetings with new volunteers
  • Meetings with teachers
  • Secondary School lunch clubs
  • OT Mini course for Year 5

Back to School!

The new school term has started, and we have hit the ground running! Our first week back has been great with a Year 7 assembly at St Sampsons High, a workshop with Leon Evans from The Further Faster Network asking the question: “What’s the next generation worth?” and meetings with teachers.

We have also had NT (New Testament) Mini Training and NT Live.

The NT Mini new team of 7 presenters had two days of 9am – 4pm training with visiting presenter Tom Greene. We looked at the sessions that we will be teaching in schools, and learnt the hand signs relating to the different events in the New Testament. It was a very in depth, informative and interactive time. We are delighted to tell you that all 7 presenters passed the training and are now ready to prepare for work in our local schools to teach NT Mini. 

Our NT Live event was held at Spurgeon Baptist Church. It was open to all and was a great in depth look at the New Testament. The session was split into working with small groups, listening to Tom talk about the history and geography of the New Testament, watching slides and having breaks and lunch. We were also all given books and literature to support our learning. There were over 30 people in attendance and all enjoyed the time and are already asking for an OT Live session for next year.

Sarah has also been to her first SWYM conference of the year as she begins her 3 year degree in Applied Theology. Every six weeks Sarah will visit Lee Abbey for in person lectures and fellowship with other trainees. The theme for this conference was based on John 15:4, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

Sarah says, “Conference is a great time to get together with friends, catch up on how we’re all doing in our placements and support and encourage one another in our faith. Starting the degree is challenging but exciting!”