Weekly Update

This week our primary team have had an assembly at Le Rondin looking at changes. We told the story of Jesus calming the storm, with four volunteers playing Jesus and the disciples. The rest of the children helped with the sounds and motions of the wind and the waves to bring the story alive. We then discussed how changes can be scary but in the story the disciples had Jesus to help them through it and we have lots of people around us to help us through changes.

We have also visited Notre Dame for our final “Untouchables” assembly. We’ve really enjoyed doing these assemblies, encouraging students to look out for those people who may be feeling left out and include them in their games or make an effort to be friends with them.

Phil will also be delivering a lesson on St Sampson at Forest for Year 3. Please pray that this goes well and that the children enjoy it.

Our BOLT clubs are on Week 6 looking at “God in three parts”. We will be discussing God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

In senior lunch clubs this week we are looking at anger, considering how we all get angry sometimes as it’s part of human nature. We are giving the students the challenge of making an origami animal to see if they find the task frustrating or easy. We have had a mixed response so far! We end by looking at a verse from James which talks about being quick to listen and slow to respond in times of anger, and ask the students what they think of this advice. Conversations so far this week have been really interesting as students talk about what makes them angry and how they deal with their anger.

This week we will be visiting Blanchelande and Elizabeth College for an assembly on the theme of overcoming a fear of failure in order to try new and exciting opportunities. We draw inspiration from the disciples who hid in fear after Jesus’ death, but then when the Holy Spirit was sent to them they had the courage to go out share the good news. They were completely transformed. We encourage the students to not let fear hold them back as they never know what they might miss out on unless they try.

Weekly Update

This week we will be visiting Hautes Capelles and Acorn House for primary assemblies continuing with the theme, “The Untouchables”.

Our two BOLT clubs will be into week 5 looking at “God Hears and Answers Our Prayers”. These clubs have been great fun over the last few weeks with both schools having a great group of children regularly attending each week. Please pray for more to join as the weeks go on but also praise God for those that are coming and that we’re getting to know each week.

Sarah and Sian Street will be starting a new course of Walk Through the Bible’s OT Mini this week at Forest. This their first course as main presenters, with much to remember and prepare. Please pray for them as they prepare, practise and deliver the first lesson during this week. There will also be a course running for Year 6 at Forest run by other Walk Through presenters, Roger and Bev. Please pray for this too and for the presenters.

Phil will be delivering a lesson on the Bible at Melrose. Please pray for him as he finalises the plan and delivers it.

In senior lunch clubs this week we are looking at the characteristic of patience and the importance of developing a patient attitude. We start the sessions off with a few challenges where the students have to exercise patience, for example, giving them a sweet and telling them if they haven’t eaten it by the end of the club they can have another one! We look at James 1:2-8 and think about how perseverance through challenges develops us a person to keep going through all kinds of situations.

This week we are visiting La Mare High for a run of lessons on Prayer. We are exploring the different aspects of the Lord’s Prayer and showing the students there are various ways to pray and different types of prayer. The students will interact with a diverse number of prayer stations with different themes: forgiveness, saying sorry, asking questions and asking God for help amongst others. Below are some images from the lessons.

The senior team will also be visiting St Sampsons and Les Beaucamps high schools for an assembly on the theme of ‘giving of ourselves’ and we look forward to sharing this message with the students.

We will be holding our annual Presentation Evening on 11th June at Les Camps Methodist Church. We’d love to see you there!



Weekly Update

Our week has been shorter than normal because of the bank holidays but we have visited St Mary and St Michael and Amherst schools continuing our “Untouchables” assembly. Our lunch clubs also continued at Grammar, Ladies College and Vale.

We have been reflecting on our freedom in celebrating Liberation Day, thanking God for all the opportunities we have visiting the schools of Guernsey.

This morning (Friday) we spent some time at The Monnaie Chapel for a quiet morning. Here we spent some time praying and spending time in God’s presence.


Weekly Update

This week, we are busy with Prayer Spaces at La Mare de Carteret Primary. We will be there for 3 days set up in a classroom with 9 stations including: Thankful Playdoh, Quiet Space, Clean Coins, Helping Hands, Hopes and Dreams, Sorry Bin, Thankful Ribbons, Treasure Box and Light Lillies. We’ll be spending time with children in Reception up to Year 6.

We will also be visiting Beechwood for their assembly on “The Untouchables”. Our BOLT clubs are on Week 3 looking at “God Made Me Special”, where we spend some time discussing that we are all unique and have been created by God.

In Senior lunch clubs this week we are continuing our series on emotions by thinking about joy and encouraging the students to look for things to be joyful about, even in hard times. We take inspiration from Paul writing to the believers in Philippi from prison and saying, ‘Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice’ (Philippians 4v4). Life isn’t always easy, as we found looking at sadness last week, but finding reasons to be thankful in hard times is one way of getting through difficult times.

We will be visiting Le Murier School this week to lead an assembly on the theme of facing our fears. We will be telling the story of Jesus calming the storm, when the disciples were terrified by the wind and the waves as they crossed a lake.  Then Jesus spoke and calmed the raging waters. We all go through stormy times in life but we never have to go it alone. God is with us and often there are people around us to guide and help us through those fearful times.

Weekly Update

This week our primary assemblies will be continuing at Amherst, Castel and La Mare de Carteret primary schools. We will also be visiting Blanchelande for an OT Mini presentation.

Our BOLT clubs are into their second week, looking at “God Loves Us”.

In senior lunch clubs we are starting our series on emotions and this week we are looking at sadness. We focus on the verse in Ecclesiastes which explains how there is ‘a time for everything’ and that includes being sad. Sadness is emotional pain which we need to acknowledge so that we can heal properly after bad things happen to us. It can also helps us to empathise and care for other people during difficult times.

We have one senior assembly this week at Ladies College, where we will be encouraging the students to not let fear hold them back when faced with new activities or challenges. Instead they can allow that fear to be a springboard, helping them focus on the task and succeed. The assembly takes inspiration from the disciples who were afraid after Jesus died, hiding away in the upper room, but after their encounter with Jesus they were ready to go out and tell the world about Jesus despite the consequences of those actions. We remind the students that they are not alone in feeling afraid and that talking about it can allow others to help them through those tough times. Below are some of the inspirational images that we used in a PowerPoint during the assembly.


Weekly Update

We’re back in full swing after the Easter break. Please pray over this new term, that God would continue to bless us with opportunities and guide us through them.

This week we have and will be delivering assemblies at Vale, Beechwood, La Houguette, Vauvert and Melrose. Our current assembly looks at “The Untouchables” and uses the story of Jesus healing a leper to encourage the children to spend time with others that they might not normally play with, perhaps someone who needs a friend in the playground. The assembly starts with a yucky challenge for four brave students!

We have also delivered a lesson to Year 5 at La Houguette on Easter, looking deeper at Holy Week.

This week we are looking forward to re-starting our lunch clubs in Senior Schools across the Island. This term we are going to be looking at dealing with different emotions and drawing on the Fruits of the Spirit as good characteristics to develop. We will also be starting a new BOLT lunch club at Vale Primary School for students in Year 4, please pray for a good number of children attending.

Thank you for your continued support.

Spring Newsletter

As the term draws to a close, we have our latest newsletter available for you to read and see what we have been doing. God has blessed us with so many opportunities to go into schools to explore and discuss the Christian faith.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over this past term.

We are looking forward to a break over Easter and coming back refreshed for the summer term!

We wish you a very happy Easter.

See our newsletter here:
2018 Spring

Weekly Update

During our last full week of the Spring Term, we will be delivering Easter assemblies at Amherst, Hautes Capelles, St Martins and Forest.

Our BOLT clubs are in their final week. We recap what we have taught over the previous nine weeks and finish on talking about how “We Can Be Friends With God!”. We give out cards with reminders of the themes from each week along with the Bible verses that we looked at, encouraging them to look them up. In total we have had about 98 children attend these clubs. It has been great fun, we have enjoyed them and I believe the children have too!

We also have multiple lessons looking at Easter at Vale Primary School with Year 5. Please pray that these go well and that the children enjoy the lessons as well as learn something they didn’t know before about the Easter story.

This week in Senior Lunch Clubs we are having lots of fun! We are setting the students a challenge: who can build the tallest tower out of newspaper and sellotape which can hold a Creme Egg! The winning team of course will all get a Creme Egg! Look out for photos on Instagram (you can follow us ‘Paceguernsey’ on Instagram). We will also be visiting Elizabeth College this week for assemblies on Easter.

Please pray for us as we start to think about next term and planning for future activities.

Weekly Update

Our primary assemblies this week will be looking at Easter and thinking about how some things that we think might be impossible can actually be possible. We use an illustration where we ask if it’s possible to cut a hole in a piece of A4 paper that is big enough for a person to step through. Even though it seems impossible, by cutting it in a certain way it becomes possible! We then look at the death and resurrection of Jesus and how it seems impossible but Christians believe that it is true. We will be taking this assembly to Beechwood, La Mare, Acorn House and Vale Infants this week.

BOLT clubs are into Week 9 looking at “Jesus rose again” where we look at Romans 6:9: “For we know that Christ has been raised from death and will never die again—death will no longer rule over him.” We spend some time asking their opinions on what they think happened to Jesus.

We also have a lesson with Year 4 at Melrose this week, looking at Easter.

Our secondary team are also discussing the Easter Story in their lunch clubs, particularly focussing on the question, “How is the resurrection possible? – What evidence do we have?” We introduce the story by watching this fun video of kids recounting the Easter Story, their ideas are quite amusing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tig2ddQyzb0

Easter is the theme of some of our assemblies this week. At La Mare Senior School, we are focussing on the theme of Salvation. We take inspiration from movies to explain how this concept is often reflected in films. We conclude that the celebration of Easter reminds us of the salvation humanity receives through Jesus’ death and resurrection and this action shows the love that God has for us and the hope of new life.

We are visiting the Grammar School for an assembly on the theme of ‘giving of ourselves’ and we are looking forward to sharing with the students. The team will also be visiting Le Murier School to work with the students to write up their assembly they performed as part of their ASDAN qualification. We really enjoyed working with the students to put together an assembly and are looking forward to sharing with them on how well they did.

Please pray for us as we share the message of Easter.

Weekly Update

It’s hard to imagine that this time last week we were planning ahead for the snow! As the schools were closed Tuesday to Thursday, a lot of out work was cancelled or postponed. We managed to hold our Prayer Spaces day at Notre Dame on Friday which went really well. There will be a blog post shortly on all our recent Prayer Spaces events.

This week, with things back to normal, we will be coming to the end of our series of assemblies on the story of the Paralyzed Man at Hautes Capelles, St Martins and Castel. We will then be moving onto our final assembly of the term, looking at Lent and Easter at St Mary and St Michael, La Houguette, Amherst and Vauvert. Please pray that these go well and that the children engage and enjoy them.

We will also be continuing our OT Mini lessons at Blanchelande and Melrose, plus starting a new course at Beechwood. Because of the snow last week, 16 topics and signs will have to be taught in one lesson at some of these schools in order to finish the course before Easter! Please pray for Phil and Sarah as they deliver these!

We are now on Week 8 in BOLT club looking at “Jesus Died For Us” where we discuss why Jesus died and ask the children to write down something they would like to say sorry for or let go of. They then place them into a magic bag and we say a short prayer. When they open their eyes, the things that they have written down have turned into a sticker that says, “Smile, Jesus Loves You!”

Due to the snow, most of our senior lunch clubs were cancelled last week, therefore we will be continuing with last week’s theme thinking about how faith is putting belief into action. A bit like a bungee jump, you don’t know what it’s really like until you take that step…

This week we will be delivering our assembly on ‘giving of ourselves’ at Blanchelande College. We are really enjoying having the opportunity to share such a great and important message to the students on the Island.

The lessons at Ladies College and Le Murier were also postponed last week due to weather and we hope to reschedule them.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.