New Term!

We’re back! It’s a new term, a new school year and a new team, well sort of! As you know Phil and Victoria left us in the summer, moving on to other adventures. So Lisa and Sarah are the current PACE team, alongside all our wonderful volunteers who help us run so many of our activities. We’re still hiring so please keep this in your prayers. We also celebrated Lisa being with PACE for 10 years! Congratulations Lisa!

Over the last few years we’ve started running volunteer training days in September and before Covid we invited Prayer Spaces in Schools over, which unfortunately had to be postponed. However this past weekend we finally held our Prayer Spaces training day. We were blessed to have Tim, a founder member of the Prayer Spaces in Schools national team, now the GB Team Leader and Liz who is on the GB oversight team, works for Bristol Schools Connection and was one of the masterminds behind Christmas and Easter in a Box!

Tim and Liz stayed with us for two days and we were able to spend time with them hearing stories, being inspired and encouraged and getting to know them. On Saturday we had 20 volunteers and supporters attend some fantastic training, where we got to learn about the vision, theology and values of Prayer Spaces and the impact they have of school life and the children/students. We spent time setting up some stations and learning about how we can improve and create effective prayer stations. We can’t wait to put what we’ve learnt into action and provide some meaningful, peaceful, reflective moments in our schools.

This week we’re starting our run of primary assemblies, with the theme of Harvest. We will be running these at Vale, St Mary and St Michael’s and Vauvert with Amherst, Forest, Acorn House, Melrose, Vauvert and Notre Dame next week.

Summer Newsletter 2022!

We’ve had a fantastic term with many opportunities to explore faith with the children and students of Guernsey. However we are sad to see the departure of two very valued members of our PACE family, Phil and Victoria. We hope you join with us in thanking God for them and asking for his peace and guidance in their future endeavours. PACE are looking for a new team member so please keep this in your prayers too.

Here is a link to our latest video which outlines what we have been doing during 2021/2022. We played this at our AGM as a summary of our work.

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter below!

Have a great summer!

End of Term

We’re at the end of term! We hope everyone has a great summer holiday! Our term has been winding down but last week was still particularly busy!

We held our last Prayer Spaces event at La Houguette with the theme of Looking Back and Looking Forward. The school asked for stations that would help the children reflect on what they had enjoyed about their past school year and what they were looking forward to next year as they move up. So we went for some new stations including Resilience Building, where we could think about what helps us to have another go, who do we speak to when we feel a bit low or sad. We then added a brick to make a collective resilience wall! Another new station was Transforming Butterflies. We spoke with the children about change and how they will be moving up to a new year. On one wing they could write something they enjoyed about their current year and on the other they could put what they’re excited about for the upcoming year. They also loved decorating these!

We particularly enjoyed reading what helps the children build resilience with one child writing “Look at pictures of pandas.” Well of course! What a wonderful insight! Others wrote, “Going for a bike ride”, “Speaking to my mum and dad” and “I like speaking to God.”

We also held our AGM Presentation Evening on Tuesday 5th July. It was an emotional evening as we said goodbye to Phil and Victoria, both moving on from PACE at the end of this term. It was wonderful to see so many supporters join us for the evening as we reflected on what we have achieved over the last year and also announcing plans going forward. We are so grateful for all that Phil and Victoria have bought to the team over the last few years and will miss them both!

So we have reached the end of term, with still a few things to tie up and a newsletter to follow, we hope you have a great weekend!

PACE Update

Last Saturday we had a fantastic day of learning at NT Live with our visiting speaker Tom Greene from Walk Through The Bible.

The day took us through 40 key events in the New Testament from “Greece – Language” to “Wait… Christ”. Alongside this we learnt hand signs for each event to help us remember these and the timeline easier. It was very informative, a lot of fun and those that joined us gave great feedback! Keep practising those signs! 

We are also in the midst of our Year 6 Leaver’s Lessons. This year we’re visiting 704 Year 6 students in 18 schools to deliver the lesson looking at Changes, Challenges and Choices. Lisa and Phil have been leading these alongside local church leaders who have also shared their stories from when they moved to secondary schools. Local churches have also generously donated an “It’s Your Move” book for every child moving up. This book includes tips, question and answers, activities, puzzles and is a very useful resource. One fun element of the lesson is the Speed Stack challenge – giving something a try and not giving up. 

Please keep these Year 6 pupils in your prayers as they come to the end of their time at primary school and prepare for September. It can be an anxious, exciting, confusing time as we all know. 

PACE Update

We hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend! Say hello to Birdy!  Birdy is helping us over the next few weeks with our summer primary assembly to encourage our children that we are all important, valued and loved and that God cares about us. Birdy gets excited about The Queens Jubilee but sad that he’s not as important as the Queen. We teach Birdy that “…not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it…” We explain that God also asks us to encourage others to know they are valued and loved too. So far Birdy has received a warm welcome from the children!

Before half term we held a Prayer Spaces at Vale Primary where we haven’t hosted one for a long time. It was great to transform a room and see the children’s faces when they walked in and saw the change. We really valued our time at Vale and had some great feedback from the children and teachers. We look forward to going back again soon! The stations we used here included the Sorry Bin, Worry Lillies, Fizzy Forgivness, Quiet Tent and Acts of Kindness. Below are some photos.

Finally we have an exciting event coming up – NT Live with visiting speaker Tom Greene from Walk Through The Bible. This is a snapshot into what we are teaching in your local schools and will also be a valuable day of Bible teaching.
The event is on Saturday 18th June, 9.30am – 4pm at Les Camps Methodist Church. Tea, coffee and biscuits (maybe cake too!) will be provided, but please bring a packed lunch with you. 

We would really like to encourage you to either visit and purchase tickets for the event which is at the top of the list or email to reserve a spot and opt to pay £14 on the day. Either way we would love to see others benefit from this great opportunity and Bible teaching. 

PACE Update

Last week we held a Prayer Spaces event at La Mare Primary as we have been doing the past few years. The focus this year was “Being Kind to Others and Being Kind to the World.”

The stations we set up were:

Plastic Planet – where we discussed the plastic pollution in the sea and looked at how we can increase our use of reusable products instead of single use. 
Helping Hands – the children could put acts of kindness into an order, thinking about which they thought were important to them and then choose one to do during the next few days.
Quiet Area – our bubble tube tent where many nearly fell asleep! 
Carbon Footprints – a brand new station discussing how we can save energy in the everyday things and reduce our carbon footprint.
Thankful Ribbons – reflecting on what the children were thankful for. 

The children responded very well to each of these stations and reminded us how aware they are of current issues in the world including the Ukraine conflict. Many commented on being thankful for their freedom whilst thinking of these and Liberation Day. The older children thought more practically about helping with beach cleans, turning off the taps and lights more as well as taking the brave step to be kind to someone when it’s not always easy.  

A huge thank you to the school and to our wonderful volunteers who helped us over the three days. Next week we are at Vale Primary for three days too. We’re very excited as it’s been a few years since we last held a Prayer Spaces there. Please pray for a positive response from the school and children.

We also had a great week at La Mare High School exploring ‘Evil & Suffering’ with their Year 8 – good discussions and some very thoughtful contributions from the 4 classes of almost 100 students. We talked of the mixed blessing(?) of ‘free will’ but left them with the promise that ultimately all wrongs and injustice will be righted with the promise that ‘….God will wipe away every tear’ and there will be ‘no more death or mourning or crying or pain’ as ‘God will make everything new’ (Revelation 21:4-5). Amazing to have the opportunity to share such a message of hope in such difficult and challenging times. This year has seen a new breakthrough at La Mare High as we have so far been involved in teaching Years 7, 8, 10 and 11.


PACE Update

We hope you all had a lovely Easter. We can’t quite believe we are into our final term of 2022 already! Time flies when you’re busy!

We started the term with the training of 3 new presenters for OT Mini. Our own Lisa, Tom Saddington and Bryan Pill all trained up over 3 days led by Phil. They’ve already started putting it into practise at Blanchelande leading alongside Phil and Nigel. We’re so excited to see our team grow and be able to deliver more courses throughout Guernsey. Phil and Frances have also started a new course at Amherst this week.

Big news this week with our first ever lessons taught at Elizabeth College – exploring a ‘Christian Worldview’ with Year 10 GCSE groups. We covered some of the big themes at the heart of the Christian faith, particularly focussing on Jesus life, death and resurrection! We’re so pleased to have been invited to teach these lessons and are looking forward to going back again. 

Our lunch clubs are back too, BOLT clubs will finish their courses from last term after having to be put on hold due to COVID cases. It’s great to welcome the children back to the group and enjoy playing games together! In secondary schools, our regular groups have returned and again we are pleased to see them.

Our AGM date has had to be changed and so will now be Tuesday 5th July at Delancey Elim Church 7-9pm. Please make a note of this date change. We will be discussing important changes for the future of PACE so hope to see you there!


PACE Spring Newsletter!

Here is our end of term newsletter, we hope you enjoy reading about what we have been up to over the past few months. 

Please note that PACE’s AGM will be taking place on Monday 20th June and we would really encourage you to come along. We will be discussing the future of PACE’s work and what the team will look like come September 2022. We hope that you will stand with us in prayer as we seek God’s vision for the future of this amazing work.

Click on this link below to see the newsletter!

PACE Newsletter Spring 2022

Have a lovely Easter!

The PACE team 🙂

Easter in a Box!

With some of our work put on hold due to the restrictions we are focusing on our launch of Easter in a Box: The Movie. 

Last week the team held a training evening for our volunteers and introduced them to the lesson. Very similar to Christmas in a Box, this lesson uses 6 boxes to go through the Easter story. The twist to this is it’s in the style of a movie! Each box is a scene and introduces the characters as the cast, the props to set the scene and a clapperboard to start and end the scene. 

We decided to launch this in three schools this year and see how they run before launching it in other schools in 2023. We will be bringing this to Blanchelande, St Mary and St Michaels and Notre Dame over the next few days. 

Thank you to Bristol Schools Connection for this amazing resource and making it available for all to use! 


PACE Update

Over the last 2 weeks we have delivered a number of lessons on the ‘Christian views on Creation’ at La Mare High School and Blanchelande College. We explore Genesis 1 by watching the Creation video that Victoria made, this can be watched here. The students then have an opportunity to ask questions and we discuss ‘Is there anything that could be left out of the story?’ ‘Do you think the story is in the right order?’ and ‘What do you think about God being a creator?’ These lead to some very interesting discussions with debates often breaking out about do we really need the birds and the fish!!! We conclude the lesson by looking at stewardship and the value that God places on humanity as the pinnacle of his creation with a special role to play in the world. 
Last week concluded our time at Le Murier school working with Year 9 on their module for their ASDAN qualification. The students have worked really hard to put together an assembly on Jonah, which included acting out the story and then sharing how we all make mistakes sometimes but we can all have a second chance. One students who uses a speech tablet called Phil over before the performance of the assembly began to share a message with him that read ‘I am so excited!’ It was really great to see the students engage so well with the story and give an amazing presentation to the other students. 
We have also just started our current primary assembly. Before the restrictions started we took this to Vauvert, Melrose, Forest and Blanchelande. The assembly focuses on Peter’s denial and using some acting for the storytelling, we look at how Peter made a mistake but he learnt from it and Jesus forgave him. He went on to do great things, despite messing up! We encourage the children to be brave and learn from their mistakes.
Unfortunately a lot of our planned work including assemblies and lunch clubs have been put on hold for the time being. We encourage you to pray for the situation in the island and for the schools. We’re sad that we might not be able to visit as many schools over the next few weeks but hope that with changes we can still continue delivering some lessons.