Weekly Update

This week we will be visiting Acorn House and Melrose to deliver our New Beginnings assembly. We will also be doing a lesson on Parables at Melrose with Year 2. The parables we will look into are The Lost Coin, The Lost Sheep and The Lost Son. We’re really looking forward to this and hope to book in some more lessons with them.

At St Martins, Phil will be delivering the final week of OT Mini to the first Year 6 class. Please pray that this goes well and they enjoy the lesson.

BOLT clubs are on Week 5 and looking at a brand new theme, God Speaks to Us Through The Bible. We talk about how the Bible is a continuing story. Our verse for the week is “Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my way. Psalm 119:105”
Below is the Leaders Challenge, where one of us has to complete this talk in under a minute!

“The Bible is God’s story—a true story of His love for us. It is a story with real people that lived in cities and towns, some of which are still around today. It is a story that began thousands of years ago and carries on into the future.The Bible is the most popular book of all time! 100 million Bibles are printed each year – more than any other book in the world. The full Bible has been translated into 670 languages. The Bible is not just one book but a collection of 66 books – 39 books in the first part of the Bible called the Old Testament and 27 books in the second part of the Bible called the New Testament. It was written over a period of one thousand six hundred years by at least 40 different authors, including kings, rich people, poor people, fishermen, poets, historians, teachers, doctors and farmers. It is 100% the work of human authors and 100% the work of God. Christians believe it is inspired by God. The Bible is not just a book, but Christians believe God speaks to us through the Bible, showing us what He is like and teaching us how we should live.”

In senior schools this week, we start the first of our lessons on the Christian views on Prejudice and Discrimination at La Mare High School. This session explores how Jesus interacted with people and what we can learn from his example. Please pray that we will be able to answer difficult questions that we are asked as this topic is prone to raising hard conversations.Last week we had the first of the three sessions at Ladies College sharing about the Christian views on Creation. It was really well received by the students who engaged well with the activities particularly the one involving play-doh!! The students asked lots of interesting and challenging questions about how Genesis 1 is interpreted by Christians and seemed intrigued by how the order of the biblical account doesn’t differ to much from the order put forward by Science in The Big Bang Theory. We are looking forward to continuing these lessons over the next few weeks.

In our senior lunch clubs we are asking the question ‘Why trust the Bible?’ – With a view to exploring how the Bible even though it was written hundreds of years ago is still interesting and has meaning today. We will also lead our ‘Why is everyone still talking about Jesus?’ assembly at Blanchelande College.

Please pray for the team this week as we deliver all of these exciting things to the students of Guernsey.

Weekly Update

This week our primary assemblies are continuing at La Houguette, St Martins, Amherst, Vale and Vauvert schools. BOLT clubs are going really well with great numbers. This week we are looking at “God Made Me Special”.

In our senior lunch clubs we are exploring the question, ‘What Is Prayer?’ and explain how prayer is how Christians develop their relationship with God. Just like we have to chat and listen to our friends to maintain a good friendship, it’s important to develop our relationship with God by communicating with him.

At Elizabeth College we are leading an assembly based on the question, ‘Why Is Everyone Still Talking About Jesus?’ We explore who Jesus is and the impact that he made on the world and why that means people are still curious about Him today. We show the studentS this video from Alpha USA as part of our assembly: 

We also have the opportunity to lead a session at Le Murier on Harvest. We will be talking about the importance of Harvest and why it is important to be thankful for what we have.

Over the next few weeks we will be leading a number of lessons with year 8 students at Ladies College on the Christian views on Creation. We will be exploring what the Bible has to say about Creation in Genesis 1 and asking the question, “Can Science And The Bible Ever Be Compatible? Please pray for us as we prepare for these sessions.

New School’s Worker!

We have some very exciting news to announce! We are delighted to welcome Emma Backhouse to the PACE team. Emma is the new Children’s Pastor at Trinity Church and as part of her work, will be spending time working alongside the PACE team, helping us to deliver our schools work. We’re super excited to have her as part of our team!

“I am looking forward to building relationships with children, young people and staff in schools. Please pray that I will be able to make good connections between my church work and work with PACE.” – Emma

In your prayers, please also thank God for answered prayer in placing Emma into our team!

We are looking forward to seeing this partnership grow and develop and most importantly excited to see all that Emma will bring to the work of PACE.

This week assemblies continue at Beechwood, St Mary and St Michael’s, La Mare, Forest, Vale, Blanchelande and Vauvert. A pretty busy week ahead! 

In our senior lunch clubs, we will be discussing the question ‘What’s so interesting about Church?” and BOLT clubs are exploring “God is Love”.

We will also be doing back to back lessons at Notre Dame with Year 1 and 2. This will be our RE Inspired lesson on Creation.


Weekly Update

What a fantastic start to our BOLT clubs! Last week we started our clubs and each one went really well. The children coming are all super enthusiastic and great fun! At Vauvert, we discovered that 30 children signed up for the club, so like last year we will be running two clubs back to back to allow 15 in each group. In your prayers this week, I’d really like to encourage you to thank God for these fantastic children who are willingly coming to a Christian club during their lunch hour!

In our other work in primary schools, Phil and Sarah took a great RE Inspired lesson on Creation with Year 1 at St Mary and St Michael’s last week. The children created some of their favourite things of creation with Playdoh, including Herm, a snowman and members of their family!

This week Phil will be taking another REI lesson on The Bible at Hautes Capelles for Year 3’s (75 children!!) Please pray for Phil and that the children are attentive and enjoy the lesson.We will also be taking our “New Beginnings” assemblies at Castel and Hautes Capelles this week too.

‘So God created people in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’ Gen 1:27 – This is a verse we may have heard a thousand times if we have been a Christian or around Church for a long time. Yet, for many young people today it is perhaps not a very known or talked about concept. This week we have the opportunity to speak to Year 7’s at La Mare High School on ‘self-worth and relationships.’ We are able to share with them that as Christians we believe that God created each and every person for a purpose and has a unique plan for their lives.

In our clubs we are often shown the latest video which has taken the internet by storm and is making a difference or videos that the students themselves have made. So this week we are exploring the question ‘Would Jesus be a viral sensation today?’ – Explaining that Jesus didn’t have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram but wherever he went he drew crowds of people to him and used his platform to make a difference. Challenging the students to think about how they use social media and how they can use it to make a positive impact.  

Weekly Update

This week, our practical work has really picked up again.

In primary schools we have started our assemblies with our first this morning at Hautes Capelles Infants. We’re looking at beginnings. We start off the assembly reading the beginnings of popular children’s books including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The BFG, and The Jolly Postman. The children have to guess which book we’re reading from. We end this by reading, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” And ask them to guess this one too. The assembly then moves into looking at how God was there at the very beginning, how he made us, which means that we are special and he never leaves us. He was there at the very beginning of creation and he is here with us at the beginning of this term, of the school year and each day.

Phil will be leading Week 2 of OT Mini for the Year 6’s at St Martins this week. Please pray that the students are attentive and enjoy the lesson. We will also be delivering an RE Inspired Creation lesson for Year 1 at St Mary and St Michael’s.

Finally, in primary schools our BOLT clubs have started again for the term. They are at Blanchelande, Castel, La Houguette, La Mare and Vauvert. Please pray for good attendance for these as we’d love to have a good number for each one!

In senior lunch clubs, we are exploring the question ‘If we can’t see God does that mean he doesn’t exist?’ – There are many things in life that we can’t see, for example, gravity, oxygen and wind. However that doesn’t mean they don’t exist as we can see or feel their effects. Leading us to a discussion about ‘Who God is’ and ‘Can we see any evidence for God in our world?’ despite the fact that we can’t see him.

Have you ever tried to put toothpaste back in the tube if you squirt too much out? Ever figured out that it is impossible? This week in senior assemblies we are talking about how we can’t change what’s happened in the past (like the toothpaste once it’s out the tube, we can’t put it back in!) but we can choose how we define our future. We are really looking forward to sharing this message with Year 7’s at La Mare and Grammar this week. Encouraging them to make the most of this fresh start at Senior School and become the person they want to be.

The team have also been invited to attend a day of training with The Gideons on Friday.

Weekly Update

We’re back into full swing at PACE this week with our practical work picking up again.

Senior lunch clubs in most of the schools are starting this week as well as various meetings with teachers booked in.

Phil will be starting the first of six OT Mini courses booked in over the next two terms at St Martins. Please keep them in your prayers this week, that he delivers with confidence and the class engages and enjoys the course.

Phil will also be popping into St Mary and St Michael’s to help teach the Year 1’s a song they are learning, “Jesus, You’re My Superhero”. They invited us to come along and join in, which is fantastic!

In the meantime, we’re preparing for the start of assemblies, BOLT clubs and lessons. Please pray for creativity as we do our planning!

Back to School!

With everyone starting back at school this week we have started organising, planning and preparing for the new term and new school year. We’re praying for those starting a new school, particularly those going into Year 7, where the transition from going from top of the school in Year 6 to the bottom of a brand new, unknown school can be scary. We encourage you to think of these children too, that they have a great first week, settle in quickly and make new friends.

Our practical school work starts properly next week with senior lunch clubs starting back. Phil has been invited to have a conversation with some RE teachers and head teachers to discuss what PACE has to offer and how we can grow our work at their school.

Please also continue to pray for new and exciting opportunities this term for the PACE team.

As ever, thank you so much for your ongoing support.

New Term Approaching!

It’s nearly time to get back to school and we’ve got lots of exciting opportunities this term already booked in. It’s looking like a busy term but to see a calendar filled with bookings makes us realise how blessed we are in Guernsey. It’s fantastic that there are so many open doors, and that our schools enjoy having us.

The team will spend the beginning of September organising, planning and getting used to being a team of 3. However we realise that we are not alone and we have our amazing pool of volunteers who will be supporting us and helping us deliver all that we can to the schools.

This week we’d just like to thank God for all the amazing opportunities that we have in going into schools and talking about Jesus. Please also pray for the team, who have some anxiety about not having enough people to do all the work! We know that God has a plan, that it is all in His hands, so we pray for trust and for peace in the waiting. We thank God for the refreshment of the summer holidays and look forward to getting back into the schools.

Prayer Points

As the Autumn term approaches, nerves and excitement begin to surface in the students as they move into a new school or a new class. This week we’d like to spend some time praying for the schools of Guernsey, the students, teachers and the States.

You may have seen that we have a new “Prayer Postcard” which bullet points areas that need our prayer. We ask that you spend some time this week praying for each of these areas.

If your church hasn’t received a pack of these, please contact Sarah on sarah.snell@paceguernsey.com and we will get some to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for all your support.

Volunteering with PACE

From all of us at PACE, we want to say a massive thank you to all our volunteers. With their hard-work and dedication, the work of PACE is able to grow and flourish. Our volunteers are key in helping us run many of our activities in the schools across the island. From people who come and help lead a lunch club every week, to helping lead a one off lesson, to taking a small group around a prayer space activity, the opportunities are endless.

We also appreciate those people who support us behind the scenes in preparing activities, taking time out to cut out items needed for our sessions. Please take a look at this video to find out what volunteering means to some of our volunteers.

If you would like to become involved in our work in anyway, please let us know. That could mean an hour a week, an hour a month or on an as and when basis when there is activity taking place at your local school.

More and more we want to connect local churches with their local schools and supply opportunities for relationships to grow between them. Most importantly we want to continue saying ‘yes’ to schools when invitations come in.

*Please note that this video is not publicly listed on Youtube, it is only accessible through a private link.